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Dan: 24-Sep-2010 05:46:56
I have been using this MessageTree as sort of a blog. I feel a need to explain what I have tried to do with the list more clearly.

Dan: 22-Sep-2010 04:24:41
It is the filibuster that is selling out our democracy. 56 to 43 for Don't ask, don't tell and it fails. End the filibuster or our democracy goes to fascism. This is how a determined minority can take over and dstroy a constitutional democracy. We must demand the dems get rid of it or start a third party that will.

Dan: 21-Sep-2010 03:31:17
..."our current capitalist system that is not actually a free market but socialism for the rich and hell for the rest of us." by donna says: September 19, 2010 at 12:46 at Zero Hedge

Dan: 20-Sep-2010 22:16:47
Bp & govt announce Macondo is plugged and now we all can go our merry way. God wish that be true.

Dan: 19-Sep-2010 11:01:35
On AM 1090 11PM news said "Should the pressure test be OK this weekend, then the well is plugged". My son said he heard on radio last week that they were going to push in a relief well at about 6,000 feet below seaflood and inject cement in 10 days to two weeks. Apparantly now only a p-ressure test is needed. Standard Operating Procdue for plugging a well is a bottom plug injected by a relief well. Hmm!!, no magnetic signal from Macondo well casing at 15,000+ feet dept of first relief well??? = grind up and we still have a major leak. I really wish they would do something that excluded that possibility.

Dan: 18-Sep-2010 05:51:56
Eq. log entry on origins of M.

Dan: 16-Sep-2010 21:14:02
Sent email to Stephanie Joye, Univ of Georgia requesting info on new oil sediment layer on Gulf floor.

Dan: 16-Sep-2010 03:43:55
The 2" thick new oil sediment on Gulf floor spread over thousands of square miles, and they have not yer looked close to BP well is very bad news. If the concentration is only 10% oil then the amount on Gulf floor is massively larger than amount reported ejected by blowout = big leak. Lets hope the oil concentration is 1% or less.

Dan: 14-Sep-2010 09:57:20
Equation log entry on where origin of M

Dan: 10-Sep-2010 06:40:05
BP's Effort to Permanently Plug Its Gulf Well May Be Delayed Until October By Mark Chediak and Noah Buhayar - Sep 8, 2010 11:29 AM PT

Dan: 04-Sep-2010 15:33:48
After posting warning about Macondo to Deeepwater Horizon Hesponse and on Congress.org I received a few hits. As per usual, no questions. There is still the eq to finish. Simultaneous/local ??? The many from one. Remember, it is a loction/navigation w respect to the Bowtie line = both ends simultaneously.

Dan: 31-Aug-2010 09:09:48
"Any man who wants to be president is either an egomaniac or crazy." Dwight D. Eisenhower .

Dan: 28-Aug-2010 07:52:16
Eq: We locate ourselves between two boundaries with a 'no can go direction' and a preferred direction on or ahead of M surface. M twists back on itself forced by 'no can go direction' = violate conservation. Prefered direction is towards a 'split', a replication by sub-division; but subdivision does not catch what is going on. When a M divides it expands in circuference and surface area. Maybe call the process 'expand by division' while not fiolating conservation with respect to base input.

Dan: 27-Aug-2010 09:02:20
"Do we Earthlings deserve to live, deserve to be helped by the E-Ts and thus me?" The answer is of course, a resounding yes. I, you, the E-Ts are duty bound as self life lovers; since we live by XC. I, We just have to ask them to help the right way. So what is the way???? Use the List, that has to be key. Ask, "Will you help us verify that Earth faces a mortal danger?".

Dan: 27-Aug-2010 08:44:43
I have spent the last year trying to get out of doing this disconnection with a whole heart like my "we are too bad to live" ala Avatar. We make our future always, that is what staying alive requires. There is always an out, always at least two alternatives, you just have to see the 'split' that creates the alternative, starting with the opposite possibility. Anyway, I can't wiggle off the hook, it is do or die as life always depends on adapting, adjusting, improvising to change the "particular circumstances of time and place" Hayek, in a way that keeps Us alive.

Dan: 21-Aug-2010 10:28:08
But we are all copies of God = little Moebiuses, just not big enough or old enough to be self-aware; so is Mother earth self-aware, as we life forms aggregate many independent cells symbiotically?

Dan: 20-Aug-2010 00:11:42
[b]Why this well from hell?[/b] Mother Earth is using us to try and kill off over half the biomass on the planet in less than one year beginning July 16, 2011. To use us this way means we are not very conscious of what is really going on.

Dan: 18-Aug-2010 00:46:26
New problem w BP well. There is something causing a plug. They are worried about over pressure???? On Drudge. "Final Gulf oil well 'kill' plan on hold amid pressure fears", "WASHINGTON (AFP) – A long-standing deadline for sealing the ruptured Gulf of Mexico well deep below the seabed will be missed as US officials and BP tackle concerns about debris lodged in the well. BP and US government representatives had hoped to complete a "bottom kill" procedure and officially pronounce the well dead by mid-August, but the US pointman on the oil spill response said Monday the bid was on hold. Admiral Thad Allen said that an earlier successful process sealing the well from above may have wedged cement between two layers of casing, trapping leaked crude inside the void.".xxxxx In short, they don't know what is going on. Come on, please give us a plugged well for real.

Dan: 17-Aug-2010 16:45:49
Obama is self destructing. a perfect opportunity to show he is for the first amendment and religious freedom and he temporizes. He is an empty suit.

Dan: 15-Aug-2010 01:27:47
Why does BP well still leak? Since they expected 9000 psi after capping well, but got 6450 psi rising slowly to 7000 pse; then there are three possibilities. 1. a leak with a grindup from bottom that reduces weight of oil/gas in well bore above intake; 2. no leak, but field pressure is increasing; 3. A leak, but rock formation is gradually sealing itself off implying exponential pressure increase as formation seals off. The second possibility, field pressure increasing gradually seems unlikely in any biotic field, where 2#psi per hour would be fast I would think. Whereas an abiotic field = very very large would be constant implying possibility one = A big leak!!

Dan: 13-Aug-2010 11:42:37
Changed "How We Life Forms Measure Personal Value and Thus the General Welfare" to " How We Measure The General Welfare With We Life Forms Common Measure of Personal Value."

Dan: 13-Aug-2010 11:33:33
Todos: 1. Write " Why BP well still has a leak."; 2. " Why we will lose over half our army in afghanistan should Israel attack Iran.". 3. "Why we are co-equal pieces of God.".

Dan: 13-Aug-2010 00:15:31
Obama is upset because "professional leftists" critcize him. My oh my, we live in a Boss Party state, not a democracy.

Dan: 10-Aug-2010 09:32:53
The numberw do not make sense on the BP well. Given my calculations are correct shown in my BP well topics; then the cementing could not have occurred as they say. BP spokesman says it went out ogf intake and up annulus??? Agains 100,000 field psi??? How about out a deep leak at 14,000 feet, a weak point they said sometime ago. Once they cement it; then the gusher from the leakm first seen as seeoage could appear miles (1.83) mile away seep) perhaps; then they can say it is natural. "What, who me!". They evade liability. Need to get BP well oil analyzed, that must surely have been done; then compare with nearby seeps we will see.

Dan: 07-Aug-2010 06:49:18
"Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge." Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
04-Dec-2020 09:23:00
Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
13-Nov-2020 07:25:28
Dan: "We can ignore reality, but we can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." MilwaukeeMark ZeroHedge
10-Nov-2020 09:30:35
Dan: 'Do you realize that a "No sex until you pass 4 semesters of Calculus Rule" would ensure civilization on this planet for the next million years, and colonization of nearby planets!" by Pete4Hegemon WND James Dobson Sex Ed article pushing teaching sexual abstinence in schools 2020-09-19. Brilliant, true, and very funny.
20-Sep-2020 05:18:43
Dan: 'Its(journalisms) core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals." Glenn Greenwald via The Inercept
06-Sep-2020 00:22:48
Dan: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must pay for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
22-Aug-2020 08:34:44
Dan: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -John Bernard Books- The Shootist
15-Aug-2020 21:07:45
Dan: A political observation: All voters lives matter regardless of their skin color.
07-Aug-2020 17:03:38
Dan: "If you can't question it. It is not science." comment by New Darwin The Sordid History Of Science, Zero Hedge July 19, 2020
20-Jul-2020 01:26:41
Dan: "the key component to civilization is civility and I don’t see much of that anymore." George Critch July 17 2020 Caitlan Johnstone .com comment.
18-Jul-2020 07:17:00
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