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Dan: 07-Aug-2010 06:43:28
"Man is a messenger who forgot the message." Abraham Joshua Heschel

Dan: 07-Aug-2010 06:41:36
"Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself." Abraham Joshua Heschel

Dan: 07-Aug-2010 06:40:13
"Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason." Abraham Joshua Heschel

Dan: 06-Aug-2010 17:33:31
BP cemented well without waiting to finish relief well which they say is four feet away. The new cap was holding?? Relief well was that close quite some time ago. They do not want to finish relief well because they can't?? This has a bad smell to it. May I be wrong.

Dan: 05-Aug-2010 10:19:12
BP well new top kill, all I hear is silence. 2000 barrel well bore capacity = 84,000 gallons times 13.5 lbs cment capacity per gallon = 1,134,000 lbs of cement in bore. Too much pressure to plug with a leak.

Dan: 03-Aug-2010 10:32:08
Equation premise: Transaction Costs for exchanges(XCs) between us are how we can see how the Natural Laws of our universe affect us staying alive.

Dan: 26-Jul-2010 00:14:21
On BP well, a wee4ks delay at 36' per day grind up is 252' minimum up. My oh my, we shall see. Now all I pray for is another wrong prediction.

Dan: 25-Jul-2010 23:03:26
"He who is taught to live upon little owes more to his father's wisdom than he who has a great deal left him does to his father's care." William Penn

Dan: 18-Jul-2010 02:21:00
Market is starting to crash, the news has truly been awful. Even the govt totally bogus statistics are showing the accelerating contraction.

Dan: 09-Jul-2010 04:43:14
"Doing is a quantum leap from imagining." Barbara Sher

Dan: 08-Jul-2010 17:17:32
Eq. To only see 90 degrees Euclidean as a Moebius geometry spirit is the base assumption and implies all else.

Dan: 29-Jun-2010 09:44:28
Equation: We predict our future location based on info from past arriving at c, To live we must change positions = move to stay alive = faster/slower than present position trajectory. Ergo the position of the observer must be off or just on = tangent to surface = sense position w respect to two Bowtie points on ends of Bowtie line. Entanglement means psir points can not be over 90 degrees Euclidean rotation of surface from each other.

Dan: 29-Jun-2010 05:10:06
Equation: Four things need to be tied together, 1. The area of simultaneous NOW that we all share(see eq. fopr maximum surface area of Moebius), 2. balance between two sides surface of M is done in h-bar no matter the distance apart implied by simultaneous(a side is with respect to an observer), 3, area where light has not reached observer from yet, 4. we look backwards in time coming at us as light at at c.

Dan: 25-Jun-2010 23:20:02
This is the crux of our predicament: "What is the worst crime in a democracy?" When we are equals be definition with equat inalienable rights and equanls before the our elected Laws; then not enforcing felony Laws on leaders is totally destructive to the durvival of democracy and equal rights. Here is where I must attack.

Dan: 20-Jun-2010 03:46:44
It is apparent that BP's and Obama's only plan is to wait for relief wells, use dispersant, and collect as much as they can with top hat. They just had to shut that down for 10 hours for "maintenance". Please do not let it erode up from intake. BP went cheap every step of the way. Once it gets outside of casing below relief wells we are screwed, and that is assuming relief wells can work which is doubtful.

Dan: 18-Jun-2010 02:15:04
I need to put in a followup on contract proposal.

Dan: 18-Jun-2010 02:14:25
The BP president looked deeply depressed. I also suspect he knows how bad this could get.

Dan: 15-Jun-2010 06:24:29
contract proposal to Deepwaterhorizon.com to plug and control well flow submitted today.

Dan: 14-Jun-2010 08:40:45
Equation entry. We brace against ourselves, turn basck upon ourselves withe respect to bowtie line, thus we have automatic plus/minus, matter/anti-matter balance. Only the direction of opposition matters. Are we left or right hand?

Dan: 12-Jun-2010 06:16:04
"To execute great things, one should live as though one would never die." Luc de Clapier

Dan: 10-Jun-2010 11:16:21
We may finally get a baseline well output measre on BP spill.

Dan: 07-Jun-2010 10:05:15
BP has delaiberately chosen not to measure well flow. That is criminal since the intake is eroding wider open. The field will certainly unszip on us like the Yellowstone Caldera and cause among other things a masive firestorm when the natural gas ignites, probably by lightening. BP thinks not measurig exempts themj from Liability, no it is criminal. See Washington Post May 14, 2010 '5,000 or 26,000 Barrels a day: Size of gulf oil spill is a guesstimate': "BP, however, could try to measure the flow directly with off-the-shelf instruments routinely used in research on deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold hydrocarbon seeps, according to scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. They said devices that can essentially take a sonogram of the plume could be strapped to one of the robotic submarines that BP has deployed around the damaged well. "You can use this type of technique to determine the velocity of the particles, and if you know what the area is, it's relatively straightforward mathematics to determine what the volume is," said Andy Bowen, director of the National Deep Submergence Facility at Woods Hole. BP representatives have spoken extensively with Woods Hole scientists about using scientific instruments to measure the flow. But a BP spokesman, David Nicholas, said the company has decided to focus on stopping the leak rather than measuring it. "I don't think an estimate of the flow rate would change either the direction or the scale of our response to it," Nicholas said. "

Dan: 31-May-2010 20:49:37
How we can use Gulf wells own pressure 70,000 PSI to stop oil flow. I asked Sam Hanson how would he do it. Sam is a master machinist and tool and jug maker. Among other things, he builds fixes for the boats seen in Deadliest Catch. He answered immediately, "Use the wells own pressure to seal it.". "How?" I asked. Make a cone with a base of 17" tapering up to 4-6+ a few feet long. Use a hydralic rod on small end to push it big end first down the well. Next, we build a 'female cone' that our male cone can fit into. Make female in loosely attached sections like an orange with serrated edges where it would rub up against pipe wall. Push 'female' cone down over male cone. Release hydralic pressure on rod holding male cone in place. The pressure from oil coming up will push 'male' cone into female thereby pushing serrated 'femal;e' ; cone outer edges up against well wall with great pressure. The pressure will hold this plut in place. I would make the serrations at an angle to well wall so the force would attempt to corscrew this plug up making it even tighter. Sam says he can make in 3-4 days with proper makchine shop. He knows which ones have gig enoug tools to do the job here in Seattle. The forces involved are enormous which makes. 250 square inches of pipe opening area times 70,000 PSI = 17,500,000 lbs of upward pressure that will wedge our cones into pipe walls. There will be a little leakage arolund the edges of sections of female cone, probably around 5%.

Dan: 28-May-2010 08:11:41
The "top hat" can only make things worse. Once they slow or stop flow for a bit the pressure rises to 70k psi throughout system. Any weak points blow out and there must be many by now. God help us if the intake hole at bottom enlarges. The whole resovoir 100 x 50 miles would erupt on us until pressure equalizes.

Dan: 28-May-2010 08:03:14
Market did what I expected, nice rally to short.

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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
04-Dec-2020 09:23:00
Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
13-Nov-2020 07:25:28
Dan: "We can ignore reality, but we can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." MilwaukeeMark ZeroHedge
10-Nov-2020 09:30:35
Dan: 'Do you realize that a "No sex until you pass 4 semesters of Calculus Rule" would ensure civilization on this planet for the next million years, and colonization of nearby planets!" by Pete4Hegemon WND James Dobson Sex Ed article pushing teaching sexual abstinence in schools 2020-09-19. Brilliant, true, and very funny.
20-Sep-2020 05:18:43
Dan: 'Its(journalisms) core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals." Glenn Greenwald via The Inercept
06-Sep-2020 00:22:48
Dan: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must pay for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
22-Aug-2020 08:34:44
Dan: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -John Bernard Books- The Shootist
15-Aug-2020 21:07:45
Dan: A political observation: All voters lives matter regardless of their skin color.
07-Aug-2020 17:03:38
Dan: "If you can't question it. It is not science." comment by New Darwin The Sordid History Of Science, Zero Hedge July 19, 2020
20-Jul-2020 01:26:41
Dan: "the key component to civilization is civility and I don’t see much of that anymore." George Critch July 17 2020 Caitlan Johnstone .com comment.
18-Jul-2020 07:17:00
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