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This nails what's wrong with Obama exactly.
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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Post subject: This nails what's wrong with Obama exactly.
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:20 am |
October 19, 2010 Washington Post
Obama Shouldn't Dismiss Voter Concern
By Michael Gerson
WASHINGTON -- After a series of ineffective public messages -- leaving the political landscape dotted with dry rhetorical wells -- President Obama has hit upon a closing argument.
"Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now," he recently told a group of Democratic donors in Massachusetts, "and facts and science and argument (do) not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we're hard-wired not to always think clearly when we're scared. And the country is scared."
Let's unpack these remarks.
Obama clearly believes that his brand of politics represents "facts and science and argument." His opponents, in disturbing contrast, are using the more fearful, primitive portion of their brains. Obama views himself as the neocortical leader -- the defender, not just of the stimulus package and health care reform, but of cognitive reasoning. His critics rely on their lizard brains -- the location of reptilian ritual and aggression. Some, presumably Democrats, rise above their evolutionary hard-wiring in times of social stress; others, sadly, do not.
Though there is plenty of competition, these are some of the most arrogant words ever uttered by an American president.
The neocortical presidency destroys the possibility of political dialogue. What could Obama possibly learn from voters who are embittered, confused and dominated by subconscious evolutionary fears? They have nothing to teach, nothing to offer to the superior mind. Instead of engaging in debate, Obama resorts to reductionism, explaining his opponents away.
Obama Shouldn't Dismiss Voter Concern
_________________ "I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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Post subject: Re: This nails what's wrong with Obama exactly.
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:30 am |
The Sun October 31, 2010
"Mr Obama may have inherited the crisis from George W Bush, but voters are focusing on his failure to deliver. The President seems impotent as storms rage around his head. Worse, he appears to have no idea what to do next. Key economic advisers are quitting mid-term and leaking damaging gossip about "The Chief".
And Mr Obama is notoriously impatient, slapping a time limit on all discussion.
"If there is no agreement in 45 minutes, no matter how important the issue may be, he simply stands up and walks out," says one aide.
Such arrogance has damaged Mr Obama's poll ratings.
Read more:"
_________________ "I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."
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