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"The Greatest Sci-Fi Story Ever"; a classic plot.
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: "The Greatest Sci-Fi Story Ever"; a classic plot.
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 8:29 pm

Top Story: "The Greatest Sci-Fi Story Ever"; our problem is, it's NOT fiction.

A classic plot: Suppressed scientist's theory predicts Earth to be destroyed by our conservation debt made of Anti-Matter(A-M), incontrovertible evidence confirms prediction; but theory says a way to stop; but Leaders ignore Warnings. Will we be awakened by the final prediction about E-Ts warning coming true on June 26th? To be continued below.

Necessary plot elements: 6-12-09 version

Necessary plot elements:

1. The hook, light over a dark field, in minutes a mysterious crop circle appears. It shows exactly how and when the danger that will destroy Earth exactly as theoretically predicted,
2. Flash forward to this ultimatum, leaving outcome hanging,
3. Flashback to beginning, the hero; a scientist whose crucial paradigm destroying discovery is suppressed by self-serving establishment "scientists", anger drives him to a greater theoretical discovery that predicts the 'danger'; but no evidence of any kind,
4. "Outsiders(E-Ts) warn us, but why with a ritual hieroglyph?". It is the Barbary Castle crop circle on the cover of the February 1, 1992 Science News, a picture that could only have been made by someone who had seen these 'life bearing planet vaporizations' up close from space,
5. The Circle showed when, the deadline: July 16, 2009. My oh My, why that is this year,
6. Over years other published scientific reports confirm all crucial aspects of theory building to absolute certainty the theory is correct,
7. Repeated warnings by scientist in public, as the evidence builds he is driven to figure out the,
8. Way To Prevent, the 'out', the 'method and tools' deduced by scientist required to STOP Earth from being vaporized,
9. But we have self-serving political leaders thinking only of the short run who suppress and keep secret their E-T contacts and data, in fact, deliberate disinformation amounting to possible treason,
10. We have a public in complete denial that they are absolutely responsible for enforcing accountability upon their leaders and thus themselves; the only way Earth can continue to exist,
11. We have these words: "I am not the only one of us responsible for saving Earth, you live here to." thus,
12. We are back to the ultimatum and what has happened as we approach deadline.
13. The next Demand: "Unless I get some Public Questions using the Q&A Procedures of the No 1st Cost List below; your only hope is that the E-Ts are lying about the date they showed Earth to be vaporized in the 'Missing Earth' crop circle.".

First version.
1. The hook, light over a dark field, in minutes a mysterious crop circle appears. It shows exactly how and when the danger that will destroy Earth exactly as theoretically predicted,
2. Flashback to beginning, the hero; a scientist whose crucial paradigm destroying discovery is suppressed by self-serving establishment "scientists", anger drives him to a greater theoretical discovery that predicts the 'danger'; but no evidence of any kind,
3. "Outsiders(E-Ts) warn us, but why with a ritual hieroglyph?". It is the Barbary Castle crop circle on the cover of the February 1, 1992 Science News, a picture that could only have been made by someone who had seen these 'life bearing planet vaporizations' up close from space,
4. The Circle showed when, the deadline: July 16, 2009. My oh My, why that is this year,
5. Over years other published scientific reports confirm all crucial aspects of theory building to absolute certainty the theory is correct,
6. Repeated warnings by scientist in public, as the evidence builds he is driven to figure out the,
7. Way To Prevent, the 'out', the 'method and tools' deduced by scientist required to STOP Earth from being vaporized,
8. But we have self-serving political leaders thinking only of the short run who suppress and keep secret their E-T contacts and data, in fact, deliberate disinformation amounting to possible treason,
9. We have a public in complete denial that they are absolutely responsible for enforcing accountability upon their leaders and thus themselves; the only way Earth can continue to exist,
10. We have these words: "I am not the only one of us responsible for saving Earth, you live here to." thus,
11. The Demand(part of the 'out'): "Unless I get some Public Questions using the Q&A Procedures of the No 1st Cost List below; your only hope is that the E-Ts are lying about the date they showed Earth to be vaporized in the 'Missing Earth' crop circle.".

July 30, 2009 Removed from Front Page. Telling story really helped.

"The Greatest Sci-Fi Story Ever"; our problem is, it's NOT fiction.

A classic plot: A scientist's suppressed theory predicts Earth to be destroyed by our conservation debt made of Anti-Matter(A-M). Unexpectedly, incontrovertible evidence confirms prediction, which theory says can be stopped; yet Leaders ignore Warnings. Scientist figures out a concrete doable plan. Is there a way for our hero scientist to wake up our leaders in time to save Earth? Our story begins with the scientist's prediction of exactly where to find the 'final logically required conclusion' part of the E-Ts ritual warning. This conclusion will show exactly when Earth will be destroyed, unless prevented.

Will his last prediction be proven true? Will Earth's leaders put aside their self-serving political games to save our planet? We wait for our astronomers to confirm or falsify prediction(07-27-09 and counting).

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

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