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Who have I contacted to help?
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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Location: USA
PostPost subject: Who have I contacted to help?
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:04 am

I will have listed several organizations and will add more as i come across those with direct responsibilities in thius area. I start with my congresspeople from the state of Washington, plus President Bush using Soapboxes provided by congress.org.

Congress at least eight times using Congress.org.

The Disclosure Project more often.

Mufom by many e-mails and personal contact.

Templeton Foundation for their stated interest in scientific research into spirit phenomena. However, they refuse to release the results of their investigations so far.

A long list of individuals and scientists who have expressed interest or I have contacted about this.

Individuals always have the freedom to not respond. The President and Congress and the two organizations who have explicitly said the USA government has E-T ships and technology, and also that they have direct physical and eyewitness evidence for these E-T ships, etc can not be let off the hook.

List of scientists asked to check my assertions out:

Lee Smolin, physicist, Perimeter Institute, Book "The Trouble With Physics", on Sept. 24, 2008

11-07-08 www.space.com/community/
Present published scientists have not looked at Einsteins formulation of the speed of light properly. He overlooked an obvious implication, that is directly implied by his own thought train experiments. Once it is pointed out, you can easily deduce the base reference frame for relativity using the speed of light. A frame of reference common to all observers in our universe. In turn, this implies the necessary geometry of our universe. This is published for questioning on the fundamental scientific interface to the internet, the www.no1stcostlist.com/index.php

The specific article URL is: www.no1stcostlist.com/index.php

'Einstein's Missed Implication' TEST Shows Relativity's Base Reference Frame
I am deadly serious about the Sun prediction. That is one scientific prediction I would love to be wrong about.

Science is done by public show & tell and real scientists take on all questioners in public.

Lets play,

Dan Alter

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

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