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21-03-14 A Theory Of Everything(TOE) Begins With Creation

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PostPost subject: 21-03-14 A Theory Of Everything(TOE) Begins With Creation
Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 11:41 pm

3-03-21, 21-11-07

Can we explain the initial conditions for conscious creation when we can see light back to the Big Bang?

These two articles describe how we measure and see light from the Big Bang.
Astrophysicists Marco Ajello with co-author Abhishek Desai at Clemson College of Science,
They used very bright Black Holes called Blazers as a measure of past starlight.
All The Starlight In The Observable Universe

Another past starlight measurement was led by Stephanie De Barros
with her co-author Pascal Oesch at the Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland,
in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
They used the light from the massive super bright first galaxies in our universe.
How Ancient Galaxies Lit Up The Universe

Without explaining how creation works by conserving light between the opposite
double edges of our Moebius Strip universe, there can be no Grand Unification Theory.

It starts from self-awareness of the Nothing = The Black = no resistance to expand into,
and causally explains why and how self-aware reproduction brought us to where we are right now.


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Making scientific discoveries that advance basic theory. > 21-03-14 A Theory Of Everything(TOE) Begins With Creation
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Forum Index › Making scientific discoveries that advance basic theory.
While the purpose of science is easy, discover how to make perfect objective causal predictions where we can't do so yet. The end purpose is a Theory Of Everything from a common to all observers point of view = We each see the universe from where your life form sits or from where your spirit sits when out of body. Our actual self aware location is the zero for any accurate coordinate system used to model the universe accurately. Ergo, the art and craft of doing science at the margin of the unknown is always done by the seat of your pants. Since scientists are human, we must discuss what to do about our "ever with us" roadblocks, the professional academics who block public discussion and publication of establishment upsetting scientific discoveries. Above all these blocking "scribes" do not like to admit 'wrong predictions', and so make few predictions, the life blood of advancing scientific knowledge.
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[size=18]3-03-21, 21-11-07

Can we explain the initial conditions for conscious creation because we can see light back to the Big Bang?

These two articles describe how we measure and see light from the Big Bang.
Astrophysicists Marco Ajello with co-author Abhishek Desai at Clemson College of Science,
They used very bright Black Holes called Blazers as a measure of past starlight.
All The Starlight In The Observable Universe

Another past starlight measurement was led by Stephanie De Barros
with her co-author Pascal Oesch at the Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland,
in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
They used the light from the massive super bright first galaxies in our universe.
How Ancient Galaxies Lit Up The Universe

A Grand Unification Theory must show how creation works by constraining and thus
conserving light/energy between the opposite double edges of our Moebius Strip universe.

It starts from self-awareness of the Nothing = The Black = no resistance that our universe is expanding
into, and causally explains why and how self-aware reproduction brought us to where we are right now.

This "No Resistance" raises a question.
Why can we see back to Big Bang as described above?
The answer is simple. Light from the BB is bounded and conserved between the
opposite double edges of our Moebius universe = Little light can leave the universe.


1, Thus any double edge of any Moebius Strip like the one
running from Earth to our Anti-Matter debt also so constrains.

2. Ergo, once our A-M Debt almost completely encircles us at the start of our last year
starting July 16, 2023 we will see very few of our nearest stars and our planetary system.

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This "No Resistance" raises a question.
Why can we see back to Big Bang as described above?
The answer is simple. Light from the BB is bounded and conserved between the
opposite double edges of our Moebius universe = Little light can leave the universe.


1, Thus any double edge of any Moebius Strip like the one
running from Earth to our Anti-Matter debt also so constrains.

2. Ergo, once our A-M Debt almost completely encircles us at the start of our last year
starting July 16, 2023 we will see very few of our nearest stars and our planetary system.


"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Tue Nov 09, 2021 2:58 am; edited 4 times in total

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