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Fine Constant Observatiom Confirms Our Universe Is A Moebius

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PostPost subject: Fine Constant Observatiom Confirms Our Universe Is A Moebius
Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:36 am

2020-10-02 addition; This is a constant, ergo a Named Scientific Law = Webb's Constant.

Post subject: Fine Constant Observation Confirms Our Universe Is A Moebius
by Lachlan Gilbert Newsroom Univ. New South Wales(UNSW)
Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 12:36 pm

2020-05-02 start, 2020-06-29 is latest edit: by Dan Alter bio below.

In the article “In the article New-data-suggest-a-fundamental-constant-of-physics-isnt-the-same-across-the-universe."
Prof. John Webb at UNSW says "Not only does a universal constant seem annoyingly inconstant at the outer fringes of the cosmos, it occurs in only one direction, which is downright weird.".
Webb was forced to admit that the Fine Constant(FC) was weaker in only one direction, directly towards the Big Bang(BB) and within one billion light years of the Bang. This one direction was confirmed by independent scientists, while in all other directions it measured at its predicted value.

(Fine Constant: a constant that represents the strength of electromagnetic forces controlling the behavior of charged particles. It is made up of the following components: Elementary charge of the inmost electron orbit of a hydrogen atom, Free space, Planck's constant = h, and the Speed of light = c. The fine-structure constant is also known as Sommerfeld's constant.)

Webb postulated that this might mean our universe was bipolar. But his observation of a slight weakness in only one direction, by inspection, shows it is uni-polar, as the reduction in the Fine Force is in only one narrow direction.

The question this raises is: "What basic geometry could our universe have that is uni-polar?". There is only one such geometry, a Moebius strip. A single surface with two separated sides that can make all possible 3-D shapes as long as there is a hole all the way through it somewhere.

The basic Moebius geometry universe has only one central axis called the Bow Tie Line(BTL).
Its BTL goes down vertically through its center hole and hits the exact center of its bottom side.
(Cut a 2" strip off the long edge of an 8"x11" letter sheet. Put the two ends together creating a 2 sided, 2 edge wheel. Rotate one end 180 degrees and put together. Voila, a single surface with 2 sides and one continuous edge. Rotate looking down along the edge until you see the top end of the BTL which looks like this X.)
1. A base Moebius is self-referential. It has a built in fixed diameter length uni-polar axis, whose top end point can only be seen from one point on the Moebius edge; thus we can geometrically construct a
x/y coordinate system with a Zero Origin with 4 plus/minus axii looking like a X between the top and bottom edges of the base M's upper width.

2. Webb's observation is a basic confirmation we live in a Moebius universe.

3. This means all interactions of Matter/Anti-Matter, their movements, and the forces between them
can be deduced and measured with respect to a M's Bowtie Axis between the two edges of the upper width
of the Moebius with this exact central zero point required for a coordinate system.

4. Thus all possible locations and force relationships on and between the two sides of a Moebius surface can be deduced and measured with respect to this zeroed x/y coordinate system.

Why The Slight Reduction At Big Bang's Start?
Webb and I have premised all these assertions about the Fine Constant on the assumption validated repeatedly here on Earth down to Planck's Constant = h, that the measurements of c with respect to h are constant from the start of the BB out to now on the outer Moebius surface of space-time as constrained by the Theory of Relativity.

A hypothesis: The premise for this "explanation" is that times arrow runs in one direction from the beginning of our universes expansion from the BB. Ergo, at BB's start the two edges of our Moebius are almost touching at h apart. However they "want to be" (discussion below), as far apart from each other as possible causing the BB. Ergo an ionized soup of protons and electrons under enormous pressure that separates the Moebius edges from each other, then the pressurized plasma cools at an increasing rate as the distance between the edges increases..

An e.g and test. The center of a Sun where fusion reactions occur. Clearly there are ionized hydrogen atoms there and free electrons, thus we should see a reduction in the Fine Constant at Sun's center. Has anyone done that measurement?

Where the initial matter comes from I/you/we don't know yet, but we do see it and how much. Ergo, there is a cause. Oh what a lovely mysterious universe we get to explore.

2020-04-05 A question: At what distance from Big Bang(BB) does the Fine Constant(FC) go to normal? By observation, our astronomers have deduced the initial mass created in the BB, which means we can deduce the distance in light years from the BB that the FC goes to normal given a known rate of expansion. (Present theory assumes the BB emanates from a single tiny point, but a M is a strip; so repulsion could occur starting simultaneously all along between its two edges when our M is born. A hypothesis that would look like "inflation", but would not violate the Theory of Relativity seen across a M surface.)

Test: We can deduce the initial BB mass by the distance in time from BB that FC goes to normal.
Do opposite Edges separate at c or at x% of c? As separation causes an increase in initial surface area this causes an exponential drop in pressure as the surface area increases by 2(Diameter squared)Phi of our M, where Phi = 1.618. i.e. 1.618/.618 = 1, the Golden Ratio.

1. How long does lowest orbit electron take to orbit its proton? It must orbit at what % of c? Answer Quantum avg = 1000 kms.

Page 3
2. Do these electrons only orbit in one direction with respect to a common point = the zero X origin
of the upper Bowtie axis? The direction of a clock depends on viewpoint. i.e. Looking from Front or Back. For Bowtie line is it one end or the other, the center? i.e. Hydrogen atoms supposedly have a random range of angle orientations. How in fact can we determine their orientation is random?

3. When ionized do they reattach with respect to the zero point Bowtie orientation?
This would imply an attraction to that BowTie orientation that can be measured. In short,
God does not play dice, but God does give freedom of choice.

The reduction in the FC is measured to be at a maximum at just after the BB 13.8 billion light years ago, then the question is:

4. At what density does the ionized plasma of the BB thin enough to return to normal FC value? Or alternatively, given we know the Mass/Energy released at BB, then at what Distance Width between M's opposite outer edges does the BB plasma cool down to normal FC?

Use the equation below to determine the rate of surface area expansion and thus the M surface area where the FC becomes normal. It allows us to infer from the present rate of our universes expansion, the present distance between its edges, and thus its surface area now. Further we can deduce from these present measurements How long it has until our universe stops expanding and begins to curl in upon itself.

At the BB the two edges can not separate at more than c as seen across the surface(Relativity); then each opposite edge or any point on surface of M moves at most .5c and then decreases over time. As the edges start separating at up to c from each other, then given a known Diameter of our Moebius, we can deduce when the universe Maximum surface area stops expanding and M curls in on itself. Remember the point of the M surface we are on moves at .5 c or other lower speed, we just can't see it because it is a constant part of all our observations. Ergo, no inflation, there is another explanation.

The Maximum Surface Area of a Moebius = 2Diameter^PHI + 1/10,000 of 2DDPHI i.e. 1.618/.618 = Phi/phi = 1. for the Circumference Edge Width Surface Area.
The maximum surface area equation for a M of any fixed diameter was confirmed by Prof Emeritus King, Dept Mathematics U of Washington, Seattle Wa and his brother.
I was off by one 10,000th and realized they had assumed a zero width between the two sides of a M's surface. It is not possible for two "things" to occupy the same place on the surface of space-time. Ergo a M's edge-width distance, given any Diameter = 1/10,000 of its present surface area. .
More Implications: A Moebius Strip Geometry is a conserved geometry by inspection. It has boundaries. Conservation implies instantaneous exchange of where everything is in the universe with respect to all other parts of our Moebius. In short other forces i,e Instant Gravity (iG), a Repulsive force to keep the two sides of the surface separated(RF), because the Dark Matter = Anti-Matter has to be kept separated from Plus-Matter by a two sided surface with a predictable inner distance between the two sides.

A Theory of Everything, above all, rests on discovering and proving by observations what our universes basic geometry is.
Page 4

A Question
Right now, our planet has a date with our conservation debt no1stcostlist.com will explain.

Will our astronomers verify or disprove that Earth’s Planetary Spirit Line(PSL) is blocking starlight from the past?
This blockage started slowly on July 16, 2018 and by this coming July 16,2020 we will be down to 14% of the time complex life given I am right. Go to no1stcostlist.com for details where I will cite the numerous ways our astronomers can prove me wrong. In reading Webb's article cited above, I concluded that Prof. Webb is an honest scientist, Many PHDs are not unfortunately

Several examples of explicit public lying are given relating to our conservation debt. e.g. Our insider astrophysicists and astronomers started covering up what Long Term Gamma Blasters(LTGBs) were after I told them what caused them in February 1993. The term LTGB was not used again in public and NASA & their astrophysicists explicitly denied that afterglows existed.

Hubble saw the "Afterglow" of a vaporized planet In 1997 three hours after this LTGB occurred.
It was was reported in "Nature' May 29, 1997 page 476, "Optical Counterpart
To The Gamma Ray burst GR970228 Observed Using The Hubble Telescope"

The incandescent debris cloud from the vaporized planet fades away after six weeks. Liars.
That debris cloud will be Earth on July 16, 2024, unless prevented. We can not allow them to cover-up what LTGBs are anymore.

A final note, in every report seeing back near the BB cited and 3 more recent ones, there is one glaring omission in all of them, Most curious for any astronomical report. None of them say WHEN their observations were made. Science, by premise, tries to explain things in terms of cause and effect, which is a time sequence. Reporting when an observation is done is fundamental to making a scientific report, especially for astronomers. e.g. Who measured What, WHEN, Where, Why and How. Very strange, no Whens? Can you explain this essential omission to us?
Prof. Webb, you know who the astronomers are that are using the deep past telescopes as you got your data from them. I expect you to help verify or falsify my prediction that the past starlight is disappearing and report your results on the No 1st Cost List for everyone to see. Our lives depend upon it. Deeds speak.

Respectfully Yours

Dan Alter
Short Autobiography updated 2020-06-10 Short Autobiography updated 2020-06-10

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:39 am; edited 110 times in total

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