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xx 6. Conclusions on What to do about it.

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: xx 6. Conclusions on What to do about it.
Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 1:57 am

Conclusions on What To Do About It.

Once we publicly verify the past Starlight is disappearing at the predicted rates,
then we can either choose recriminations and death, or life as a free, united people.

K-Dog summed this up for me:
"Nothing is going to get solved with everyone going off in different directions. Unity and solidarity is needed
or the future is barren and bleak. K-Dog, 1st comment on Kuntslers "Things To Come" 07-29-2019

We will only survive by accepting we face a life or death problem that requires we
make a political decision.

Selecting who will unite us by directing our disconnection.

I propose myself since I have been thinking carefully about "how to do our disconnection for over 27 years.
Ensuring Liberty For All Is Required

These three actions are needed to start public cooperation between countries because
we must start with a clean slate,
We don't have time to punish your past sins of ignorance.

1. Our countries must lay down their arms; especially my country, the USA.
We must keep the peace.

2. A general debt/crime amnesty except for murder, slavery, and pedophilia is required.
Those who can will renew their debts,
so the economy will restart unencumbered by our past mistakes.

3. We require a meeting of the UN General Assembly
to reach agreement on who will direct our disconnection.
Only one Captain at a time.

Realistically, we only have one method of disconnection that saves most of us.
That means not moving/sleeping for an hour all at the same time by the 90% plus
of us that should still remain alive in the last year, plus any remaining larger animals.

One thing I will as Captain pray you each understand is that you each
can contribute by consciously helping each other in any way you can.

Your help is crucial because I strongly suspect Earth will exhibit violent weather and geologic events,
e.g. an accelerating ice age. In addition, in some circumstances we won't be able to save everyone.

Ergo, the Captain gets the worst job, the last word on
who we can't save and upon whom we must use force when they interfere with Earth's survival.
The Captain's first job is keep the peace;
so he must be the only one who can authorize force upon any country.

So the choice is yours, Peacefully and honorably cooperate or we all die.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sun Dec 29, 2019 7:09 pm; edited 3 times in total

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