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#1: Why Fukushima is still pouring radiation into our oceans. Author: DanLocation: USA : Mon Mar 14, 2016 11:43 am
A comment by Paveway IV to this article in Zerohedge.com Fukoshima Five Years Later: "The Fuel Rods Melted Through Containment and Nobody Knows Where They Are Now"

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/11/2016 23:27 -0500

Comment by Paveway IV

"...While he would not rule out the possibility that small amounts of radiation are reaching the ocean, Masuda, the head of decommissioning, said the leaks have ended after the company built a wall along the shoreline near the reactors whose depth goes to below the seabed. "I am not about to say that it is absolutely zero, but because of this wall the amount of release has dramatically dropped," he said.

Absolute bullshit. Let's have a little geology refresher, Decommissioning Genius Masuda:

Fukushima Daiichi was built on the mouth of an ancient river that drained the aquifer under the Abukuma Plateau directly behind the plant. That aquifer is constantly recharged by the Abukuma mountains on the other side of the plateau. All the sediment layers under the Abukuma Plateau slant towards the coast, therefore the Abukuma aquifer is constantly draining towards the sea.

Just like almost everywhere else in mountainous Japan, subsurface water flow continues to follow seaward-slanted sedimentary layers underneath and well beyond the actual surface coastline. It does not empty right on the coastline at the surface unless there's a spring there (and there isn't - or wasn't). The subsurface water emerges hundreds, maybe thousands of meters offshore from freshwater springs on the porous seabed in the 10 or 20 meters deep water that far out. It's pushed out of the seabed because there's a twenty kilometer long aquifer behind it that slants upwards to a height of two kilometers back to the Abukuma Mountains.

So even though water is not flowing as fast as it would in a surface river, the ancient underground river continues to flow through all the sedimentary layers under the plant and empties out on the seabed well offshore. It's done that for the last million years or so. That underground river is split between the various sedimentary layers, the lowest being at least two HUNDRED meters deep underneath the plant where the original river bottom existed at one time.

Icewall 'solution' to surround all four reactors and turbine buildings - Yay!

The first section of the ice wall was built, and promptly failed because: 1) it was only 30m deep, not anywhere near the full 200m depth of the groundwater, 2) they couldn't freeze the wall because of the sediment characteristics, and 3) the wall was not built all the way to the surface, so the groundwater pushed up and over it creating radioactive geysers and mud volcanos. They decided they needed to dig a bigger trench and toss in better fill so the damn thing would actually freeze. And they're going to pave the surface so you can't see the radioactive geysers (but the groundwater will still 'secretly' overtop the wall).

So a reasonable question to ask is why TEPCO thinks an ice dam built 170m above the ancient riverbed on porous sediment and not quite to the surface is going to successfully hold back groundwater that originates from 20 km behind it and 2 km high. Since you're essentially building a giant, square donut around the plant and pumping the water out, wouldn't more groundwater just push up through the middle? And on it's way up, it will be gushing past three really, really radioactive cores (or what's left of them)? And that now-highly-radioactive water is going to come bubbling up through the basements of the reactor and turbine buildings in the donut hole - the very buildings you're trying to pump out?

The Yakuza are running out of homeless meat to send to the plant as remediators, so frying the ones you have left with your newly-created radioactive hot springs probably isn't the smartest thing to do. What knucklehead-san came up with this scheme?

Here's a tip: try digging those damn molten cores out from underneath the reactor buildings and quit trying to hold back the Abukuma aquifer with a fucking ice donut - it won't work. Yeah, I know it's kind of dangerous. Maybe you should have though about that before you built your reactors below sea level and beneath the water table of an ancient riverbed. The only thing you could have done even stupider than that is to build it on top of a known fault line. Oh, wait... you did. Fuckers...
Last edited by Dan on Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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