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#1: first n1cl page Author: DanLocation: USA : Mon May 02, 2011 11:49 pm
The No 1st Cost List is the first Public Dialogue Interface for the Internet. It is open to all on an equal basis. Its prime purpose is to let anyone, especially scientists, other leaders, or any business or organization prove their Veracity to all. The N1CL Automatically by software design enforces an agreement by its members to answer questions from anyone about whats its members Say, Sell, or Solicit using the N1CL interface using common Rules of Dialogue.
How It Works

Both parties to each dialogue that begins with a question, member or non-member must agree to respond to one another until they reach an agreement to Agree or Disagree using these standard Rules of Dialogue.

The N1CL keeps a permanent public record of what is said or listed.

Each member/user has a permanent, unique public address that uses only self-selected ID characteristics.

Some Benefits
These features let it track members answers so they do not have to answer the same question twice.

Besides proving ones veracity, another benefit is that it identifies our disagreements so that we can take steps to resolve them.

Further, it creates a clear sharp boundary between public and private exchanges of information, creating a pathway for organizing politically outside the control of our government leaders.

A permanent Public Address lets one publicly criticize our leaders without having to tell them where you are. We don't need to know where you are to verify who you are.
Other Uses
There are many other uses than can be listed now, and many we will discover through experience that would not be possible without the N1CL.

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Copyright © 2002 Dan Alter, All rights reserved.

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