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#1: Why God Demands We Speak The Truth In Public Author: DanLocation: USA : Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:51 am
2022-08-15, 2022-08-17

The oldest question: What is God? The short answer: God is everything. Which is correct,
but leaves out answering "Why & How God acts to grow life in our universe?".

God freely chooses to create self-aware souls with free will
who must learn to seek and speak truthfully or all die.

Truth seeking self-aware civilizations are the only ones that can survive to pass their genes from generation
to generation in a universe that requires the creation of A-M debts that must be dealt with cooperatively,
so life and our universe can grow and thrive.

Serial reproduction requires a conserved geometry, a Moebius strip that
can expand into a "so far so good" no resistance 3-D space.

For advanced souls to move their life forms, they must create an Anti-Matter conservation debt that will
eventually return to hit their living planets Sun and vaporizing the planet from which the A-M debt originated.

Since these A-M debts can consciously be prevented; expanding our souls self-awareness to do
these disconnections must be God's highest purpose: To expand free willed life in the universe.

We, me , you have been given a choice as our souls do live on after death.
Work to save Earth, our home, or choose to go to the Dark Side with the devil who does exist.

The devil and his cohorts are known by their lies and direct assaults using
government power to subvert truth, & Liberty & Justice for all.

Your silence gives the devil consent, and the E-Ts can not let Earth live should We choose not to stand up for truth.

Last edited by Dan on Sun Jun 11, 2023 6:27 pm; edited 9 times in total

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