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#1: Why Have N1CL Page Views Exploded? Author: DanLocation: USA : Thu Jan 13, 2022 3:02 pm

Because I became a Zerohedge Premium Member and started posting the No !st Cost List URL
saying "Why a cabal of psychopaths are causing these deaths.", in articles talking about our governments response to Covid.

At the same time we are looking for programmers who will upgrade the site and fix our bugs.
The big problem is finding programmers who understand what KISS is, and who will use our Content Management Systems(CMS)'s
logical and code structure, We insist they use the least amount of code steps to achieve any user interface operation.

Now we are starting to finally see the lies our psychopathic leaders have told us through their complicit media.
A tribute to the fact that the internet can not be monopolized, much as Google, Microsoft, Twits Twitter, Facebook etc, would like you to believe.

Now The Public Question Becomes:
: Will you remain a fearful manipulated sucker, or become a citizen who
will not stand for our elected and appointed bureaucrats lying to us?

Pick a side or Earth dies, along with you and your loved ones.

-> Why The E-Ts Control Our Governments & Insider Scientists & How N1CL Takes Back Control Of Our Corrupt "leaders".

All times are UTC

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Proof E-Ts do secret business with USA govt.
Sirius Disclosure Project Eyewitness evidence USA Govt. does face to face E-T contacts. e.g. Over 800 USA govt witnesses who swore publicly before Congress they dealt face to face with E-Ts.

This climate url shows why much of our scientific establishment is corrupt.

Why rising CO2 levels Can NOT cause global warming.

Cimate Fraud Whistleblower Rewards Program

These links deal directly with How to Prevent our Sun from exploding.

How do we prevent our Sun from exploding July 16, 2024

How to find the two conjunction asteroids shown in the "Missing Earth" crop circle.

This math is required.
How to use a circle to relate 'e' to Phi.

Confirming objective reports.
National UFO Reporting Center

Crop Circle Connector

2-4-2017 Needed A-M debt Disconnection Tools, Measurements & Must Do's

HOW can we get these tests DONE?

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