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Using zero(s) to count units in our present number system.
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PostPost subject: Using zero(s) to count units in our present number system.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:39 am

9-03-16 As you can see, the dates below show a sequence of inferences about division by zero concluding with a 0/0 premise for how energy and matter are governed by the surface of space/time. This calls for starting a new topic showing the implications. One is FTL space travel.

12-17-16, 9-19-16 A newly discovered premise takes time to figure out its implications = make testable predictions. One requires a patent application for a tool required to do and navigate at FTL. This tool in turn implies how we can use it to maintain entanglement between entangled clocks so we can keep simultaneous time and communicate at FTL. Simultaneous clocks was the base operational assumption used by Einstein to show Relativity both Special and General.

12-17-16, 8-30-16 These conclusions are repeated below:

0/0 or zero over zero symbolized by an "8" is where division by zero is defined. This relationship defines the empty surface of space/time. Our universes natural Laws describing how energy and matter relate are constrained by the surface demanding that Matter not be opposite across both sides of surface which entails a Repulsive Force(RF) to move these masses away from opposite. So when a mass goes 0|c(= zero with respect to c, the speed of light) ACROSS THE Moebius Surface, it falls between two sides of the surface; then the RF puts this 0|c mass to the nearest point on surface at FTL where this mass is moving FASTER
Than 0!c. The Quantum Sea examples this process for small masses.

7-22-16 revision. This is background topic On using zero to create base Moebius equation. What follows will lead us to figuring out how to use zero to count/map "locations in space" better.

7-25-16 The central zero of our Cartesian coordinate system is the key. Once we used zero to signal when negative numbers start and when to physically move from 9 to using two or more numbers for (positional notation) to show 10, 100 etc, then zero became and is more than a number; it signals an action we must take. These actions show where our imprecision's in using zero are.

Rectifying how it changes signs for units when we go from plus to minus or minus to plus or start a count from zero is the key. Test: We must get the same correct results for adding and subtracting etc. as we now do, while resolving the present inconsistencies.

7-28-16 revised 8-9-16: When zero was added so we could subtract and get a negative number result, then zero is the geometrically necessary "change direction" point in the number line, i.e. after the number +1 goes to nothing, empties out we needed a "number" = zero to signal this change in direction direction to the minus numbers.

The trouble is it takes two units of distance to do so. So the question becomes what + or - signs combination inside our zeros between units signal this "change in direction"? Do minus direction zeros between numbers have a different sign combination from plus direction?? Is so, how? If not, why not?

7-31-16 What is our clock speed when we move at zero with respect to c? We measure time with respect to c. When we take the action = take the time to create/separate plus from minus; then this must define how zeros separate units creating conscious opportunity for us to use zero in our number system.

8-1-16 The crux: When we put zero into the number line to subtract, do positional notation, etc; then we assumed a location of zero on number line necessary to perform needed operation. But we live in Moebius geometry universe with its own built in 'origin' which is not at our assumed convenient for us location. Ergo, error is certain unless we take into account where we are logically with respect to the actual origin location of our universe.

8-8-16 Another observation which implies where Moebius origin is with respect to us: Rotate horizontal plus axis of coor. system up ninety degrees and do same for negative axis. Both bottom ends rest on zero and are now in one to one unit pairs. In short we are looking at one end of Moebius origin.

"I cannot reverse a subtraction, only an addition. In practical terms, this means that I can only move the numbers around if I move their signs with them." purplemath.com/negativenumbers. i.e. one direction is prohibited across surface of M.

8-30-16, 12-17-16 0/0 or zero over zero symbolized by an "8" is where division by zero is defined. This relationship defines the empty surface of space/time. Our universes natural Laws describing how energy and matter relate are constrained by the surface demanding that Matter not be opposite across both sides of surface which entails a Repulsive Force(RF) to move these masses away from opposite. So when a mass goes 0!c(= zero with respect to c, the speed of light) ACROSS THE Moebius Surface, it falls between two sides of the surface; then the RF puts this 0!c mass to the nearest point on surface at FTL where this mass is moving FASTER
Than 0!c. The Quantum Sea examples this process for small masses.

Why is using zero to count with so important right now? The short answer is life or death for Earth. Survival means we need absolute precision in locating where we are in our Moebius geometry universe. Counting with zeros 8-8-16 with respect to the base zero(origin) allows us to use the spaces and edges between 'counting units' to eliminate the present imprecision’s caused by our zero centered coordinate systems. In short, this counting method lets us use the space between units to model precisely how space/time/matter relate in a Moebius geometry universe.

In practice, using this new way of counting is life or death for Earth because doing so quickly can make FTL space travel possible for us. We need FTL so we can directly help disconnect our conservation debt made of Anti-Matter and aid in maximizing the number of us who survive the 50% plus die off in last year method which we have apparently unconsciously started. It also makes possible a second way of disconnection.

In short your behind and your progeny's behinds depend upon us recognizing our survival rests upon us acting in public together. The E-Ts have graphically warned us our A-M debt will arrive in eight years on July 16, 2024 unless we disconnect it. E-T warning message summary. So lets figure how to use zero mathematically asap.

Nine Zulu Queens Ruled China. This little sentence is a way of remembering how our number system evolved to handle more complex operations like division, irrational numbers, and subtractions that gave a negative number result. It started with simple counting with only positive whole numbers, the Natural numbers. “Nine Zulu Queens Ruled China” is a non-sense mnemonic for the nested number sets used in number theory starting with the smallest Russian doll: N represents the natural numbers, Z represents the integers, Q represents the rational numbers, R represents real numbers, and C represents complex numbers (which include imaginary numbers".

The Natural numbers, or Nine in our mnemonic sentence let you count from one to infinity using only whole numbers while no minus numbers are defined. This led to problems. Subtraction was limited to only positive answers. Clearly negative results had to be handled and so each of the next letters like Zulu represent how mathematicians added operations that handled these problems as they arose.

Our mnemonic sentence ends with Complex numbers. What is interesting is that zero is an afterthought in our mathematics, plugged in out of necessity when we ran into 10 - 10 = ? or 10 - 11 = ??, yet its use-fullness in counting units more accurately arose when the abacus was developed forcing the use of a symbol for the x - x result.

Using zeros to count numbers more accurately in a Cartesian system has not been pointed out anywhere that I could find. As usual, necessity is the mother of invention. So should our mnemonic sentence now go like this: Nine Zulu Queens Ruled Chinese Zoos?

Since I am in the process of figuring out how we count using zeros, I am going to start by showing how I do it and then lets see if we can deduce why it enables a better and more accurate way of counting. There are three problems, discrepancies, that I see are resolved using zeros to count units.
First, it enables division by zero as a "special case"; which in turn gives us FTL navigation in a Moebius geometry universe.
Second, it eliminates the zero AD problem.
Third, it eliminates this calculus discrepancy, as you use smaller and smaller units to approach a limit you just throw away the infinitesimal when you see whats coming. Eek!! Gad that drove me wild.

8-8-16 As you can see by above dated entries I am close. It is a question of how we use + and - signs within zeros and on ends of units. Also another implication, since we can always put anther number between any two numbers on the real number line then there is always more space(zero) between them. Ergo zeros outnumber numbers.

More later, bedtime.

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