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Seven rules by which to civilize children.

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 448
Location: USA
PostPost subject: Seven rules by which to civilize children.
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:23 am

I learned these rules from Kathleen Rocker, She has raised 17 foster children from broken homes.

The refusal of many of our leaders and citizens to apply these rules to our behavior as adults, or to talk directly or by implication about why they are necessary shows why my country, the USA, has not become civilized yet.

1. Put it back where you found it. When you don't its amazing how much time you or worse, your parents and others can waste trying to find it.

2. Respond when your spoken to. A basic courtesy that enables civil society.

3. Do your chores on time. Saves parents on doing their basic duty, nagging, and a child a lot of grief.

4. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Keeping clean is the first step to self-awareness.

5. Don't say negative things and not expect negative back. That does not mean you do not defend yourself when necessary, but usually "soft words turneth away wrath.".

6. Live by example. That means acknowledge mistakes, do what you say you will do, otherwise people and especially children will not respect you.

7. Follow discipline with Love. We are all children of God, and need love especially after discipline.

This is posted in the "The Moral Nature of Mankind, what is Objective Morality for us?" forum because we and especially our leaders do not talk publicly about 'How to raise children" because I think they and we do not want to talk about how our present actions violate these rules.

As a father and grandfather, with a wife, I am reminded daily of my sins against these rules.

As a citizen, I can see that our politicians and business leaders public actions show they were not raised to respect the rights, persons, or property of others. Shame on them.

As a member of a NOT civilized murderous society, we can not become a self-aware civilization until we consciously teach and treat all our children so they grow to become free, honest, and loved members of our society.

Dan Alter

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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