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Initial Invitee Conditions & How Paid Build Needed Tools

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Site Admin

Joined: Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 448
Location: USA
PostPost subject: Initial Invitee Conditions & How Paid Build Needed Tools
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:29 am

2021-07-21, 2021-07-25

Only accepted Invitees who help us build the needed tools for disconnection fast will receive the internal
N1CL shared research that leads to patents based on the fundamental "rel to c|vel-vec meter" patent
described below, nor a future discount on its royalties.

1. First, you register as either a non Full Member or Full Member.

2. You ask using the private internal message system of the N!CL to become a Full Member working on building and developing this communication tool and giving qualifications.

3. Large corps & governments who want to help develop instant entangled communication anywhere
and FTL travel will be required to put up $10,000,000 and will receive 10,000 WOUs each..

Individuals & small companies who can show necessary personal expertise in building of entangled clocks
and other necessary skills. Such Experts will also receive 1000 WOUs after they become full members,
Other compensation on a generous negotiated basis..

4. All invitees must become Full Members and agree to share all research without quibble until July 17, 2024.

5.You agree that when patentable research is shared on the List in the form of a Provisional Patent
Application(PPA), then you will not contest such PPA filings until after 2025-01-05.

6. Invitee terms especially apply to billionaires and governments.

Accepted Full Member Registration Terms & How Development Monies Used.

The N1CL LLC will use any non dedicated SGRs plus all royalties on "rel c|vel-vec meter" to develop Faster
than Light(FTL) entangled quantum communication to interstellar distances and building FTL spaceships.

Accepted Full Members are qualified to help build a quantum cell, phone network, FTL, and etc.
They will retain the rights to any patents based on the issued "Relative to c|vel-vector meter" patent
as described with the conditions above.

1.Large cell phone, internet, tech companies, and governments must pay bid fee of
$10,000,000 to use the "relative to c | velocity/vector meter" patent.
(Refundable less 5%, when not accepted, you keep the 10,000 WOUs.)

You will have 12 months to demonstrate a working model. The royalty for the "rel to c|vel-vec meter"
starts at 5% of any revenues received from selling or using any communication device or other
application based on the "relative to c | velocity/vector meter patent.

After 12 months without a working model the royalty increases by 1% every 2 months to 10%.
See bidders contract for full details before agreeing to these terms.

Your companies must register as Full N1CL members, plus all employees who work on the project.

2. Other scientists and other companies can apply and will be invited
on a case by case basis. You must register as Full Members to apply. When accepted you will be
generously compensated and keep any patents on the terms Initial Terms above.

3. Individuals and small groups must use the private internal message system of the N1CL to
give your qualifications to become a Full Member working on building and developing this FTL
communication tool and FTL travel.

Register Now, we won't release your email to anyone,
internally or externally by software design.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:19 am; edited 5 times in total

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