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The Massive Evidence E-Ts From Stars Visit Earth Shows?

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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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Location: USA
PostPost subject: The Massive Evidence E-Ts From Stars Visit Earth Shows?
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:30 am


The obtuse denial by present astronomers and physicists that E-Ts visit us shows one thing clearly.

It is their conscious need to have unchallenged authority over how we see the universe.
It is their privileges and power that shows they are in charge, not the search for the truth,
that drives their denial that E-Ts are visiting Earth from the stars using FTL starships.

Star traveling E-Ts coming and going as they please, means our scientists and politicians are not in
charge. That means we are still a primitive society scientifically ignorant of how our universe works.

Since I can show how we can travel FTL to the stars, then the denial FTL is NOT possible is untrue.

It is anomalies, discrepancies, observations that contradict existing theory that drive scientific inquiry;
not tenure, not answering disagreements, not admitting when you are wrong, plain not seeking the truth.

Below I am going to list the published proofs that include videos, public testimonies under oath before Congress, eyewitness accounts too numerous to list, and historical accounts, while putting them into a coherent theoretical framework that gives an understanding of how the E-Ts go FTL and why they treat us as ignorant savages.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

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