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Home Operations: Learn how the N1CL News Interface creates well tested and verified Public Information for all.

Accountability is created when Anyone can question a Public Report in front of all. The No 1st Cost List lets anyone question ONLY its Full Members and those who report Yes/Nos on the public record of its interface. Thus by identifying questions, inputting clarifications, and expressing disagreements with this publicly reported info, we create the most valuable commodity of all, good public information.

Also, gladly accepting such public accountability means you can create for yourself a public reputation for reporting honest truthful 'news'. A priceless personal asset, especially for scientists, reporters, politicians & public servants, and businesses. The heart of the N1CL News Interface are the Member & Questioner agreements and the Q&A Dialogue Procedures just below. They are simple, and treat everyone the same, especially me, the inventor. Dan Alter n1cl-1

Question & Answer(Q&A) Dialogue Procedures

Anyone can Become a Member!

Anyone can "Report, Question, Verify, or Correct, any N1CL report, as long as they agree to respond in
until the Q&A dialogue is ended.

YAnyone can Question a Member's or anyone else's report

How Do Entries to N1CL Public Record Work: You have 10 minutes after submission to edit, change, or delete your entry on the N1CL Public Record; then the entry is locked. You can always add more replies to your topic, or an answer in a Q&A dialogue to clarify until the other party answers. Also you can use open to all comment forums first to improve entry.

To Ask a Question: the Questioner and 'the Member or non member Reporter agree to respond in turn, until the Questioner accepts the answer, or they agree to Disagree giving reason(s); using the 'Last Response' mechanism described below.

To continue the Q&A Dialogue; either can check the "I beg to differ with you with reason(s)" box.

There are Four Ways to End a Q&A Dialogue:

1) The Questioner can check "I accept." and say something;

2) the Questioner can Accept by Default by not replying within 36 hours;

3) EITHER on their turn, can check 'this is my last response'; to which the OTHER can Accept by checking "I accept"; Or by Not Replying within 36 hours;

4. After stating reason(s) checks "I Disagree with the Last Response".

Changing an 'acceptance by not replying in time' to an 'I disagree' must be done during next logon.

Non-Members can not be questioned on the N1CL record about their Q&A dialogues with a Member or Reporter;

but anyone can question them about their "Reports".

The N1CL Interface's Best Feature

The Automatic Consequence giving users the Public workload each can handle: Unless your Dialogues are current; the N1CL Interface automatically blocks you from asking or being asked a new question. Except for 'not replying' to a 'this is my last response'; Staying Current is a reply within 36 hours after your notice e-mail is sent. The block is automatically removed when you become current. Except for larger organizations, you can block new questions at any time by stating a reason; e.g. vacation, sick.

Show Your Honesty To All By Becoming A Member

Question a Member or Reporter | Question a Member or Reporter |

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