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2024-25 Dan Alter's Comments & Corrections On 1st N1CL News Reports

To coordinate entries we use the (UTC/GMT) Year-Month-Day Time Format

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Anyone can do a N1CL news post by agreeing to answer challenges from anyone;
by responding in turn within a fixed time limit, until both agree, or agree to disagree.

No government is legitimate that infringes on our inalienable free speech right to publicly disagree.

165 Warning emails were sent to each member of the Univ. of Washington
Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, & Economics faculties asking for help.
By Daniel B. Alter, BA Economics, Cum Laude, UW 1980.

We have

left until July 16, 2024, when Earth is completely vaporized by it's A-M conservation debt.
Since we're soon to be dead, the E-Ts can our A-M debt to save our
Moebius Universe by inducing our leaders to start a Nuclear War.

WILL Astronomers verify the E-Ts are sending a 100kms Black Metal Asteroid that stays
straight between the Sun & Earth to hit England near Stonehenge at 19:46 UTC,
on or after January 16, 2024?

Unless we can Agree worldwide to not Speak or Move for two hours,
which releases our A-M conservation debt to hit Alpha Centaurus.
WHY does publicly agreeing to not move prevent a Nuclear War?
The E-Ts must cause one way or the other to double our present M universe circumference,
which keeps our M a 1/2 twist Moebius, so it can continue to grow.
Our leaders like the personal power and profit from war, don't they?

An M universe keep equal amounts of M & A-M separated by a
predictable distance between a two sided, continuous single surface.

This Edge Width(EW) distance between both sides M surface = 1/20,000 0f Ms 2DiameterSquared Phi.
Adding 2DDPhi to the 1/20,000 EW = Maximum possible Surface Area of any M.

The above equation is the Maximum Surface Area(MSA) for any M. Thus, all the interactions
between Gravity(G), instant Gravity(iG), speed light(c), Planck's Constant(h),
and all forms of energy and matter and their force relationships are implied.

This growth limit on MSA is when replication and continued growth
of our M universe or its collapse death must occur,
which is why the E-Ts have put humankind on our Do or All Die spot.

After Astronomers confirm exactly when a 7+ mile wide Asteroid will hit Earth;
This Shows Us What Time 90% Of Us Can Agree To Simultaneously
Not Move For Two Hours on or after Jan 16, 2024

Why choosing "to be still" deflects Asteroid

Latest E-T crop circles warnings about Asteroid.

The USA govt has had secret contacts with E-Ts for over 75 years.

The E-Ts are asking us a "Be Killed Unless You 'Wake Up" Moral Question:

When Everyone On Earth Dies unless You Help, Will YOU?
Because the E-Ts will Destroy Any Planet Whose Citizens Won't
Put The Survival & Growth of Humans, E-Ts, and Life Everywhere 1st
Publicly Agreeing To Eliminate All NUCLEAR Weapons.


Because God wants us to realize We become one people, when WE Agree to
Be Still and Silent for Two Hours Simultaneously on or after January 16, 2024.

Volitional movements create the A-M particles sent to our A-M debt used by
the E-Ts to strike Alpha Centaurus keeping our universe a half twist Mobius.

Verifying publicly ASAP the Asteroid is coming is Required.
So what light filters must we use to see Asteroid diving out of the Sun on us?
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools". MLK.

Any Moebius(M) Strips single surface is created when its two sides are separated with
a half twist. Since its circumference is fixed, a M universe's surface can only continue
expanding when a splitter planet, e.g. Earth, finishes the centerline cut that allows
our M universe to double in circumference while remaining a 1/2 twist Moebius.

All Ms(we souls are Ms) can make any 3-D shape when a hole goes thru M someplace.

This 1st Front Page(FP) N1CL news report is entirely my responsibility.
Daniel B. Alter
Short Autobiography

Without Margaret Milanowski, the N1CL could not exist. She has been
my true love since 1979 and is a kind, wise & beautiful, stand up wife.

She co-invented the No First Cost List US Patent #8566730 and the
"Relative to the Speed of Light | Velocity/Vector Meter" US patent 0024694B1
that is required for Instant Quantum Entangled Communication and FTL travel.

We are "Nullius in Verba," Latin for "Take no-one's word for it" scientists.
When you won't answer challenges to your reports, you can't be a real scientist or reporter.

Why wrong predictions are How To Make Scientific Discoveries

The N1CL Enables The Simultaneous Public Cooperation Required TO SAVE EARTH.

A Moebius Geometry Explains Why The E-Ts Sent This Asteroid.


Discovering we have an A-M debt began in Feb, 1991 when I deduced our souls
must create an Anti-Matter(A-M) conservation debt when moving our bodies.
Ergo, in a conserved universe means our A-M debt must eventually be repaid.

Since the E-Ts knew our A-M debt would vaporize Earth July 16, 2024, the E-Ts can
ethically use it to save our M Universe by sending it to hit Alpha Centaurus on on or after January 1\64, 2024.

Publicly Help To Save Earth BY Register Here on the N1CL.

Astronomers can confirm this Asteroid is spearing out to hit Earth on 2024-01-16.
It comes from directly behind the Sun, diving at us out from the Sun like a fighter plane.
Suddenly appearing to hit the Barbary Castle field in England.

After We Save Earth By "Most Of Us Deliberately NOT MOVING For Two Hours
Just before The Asteroid Impact on or after Jan. 16, 2024 at 17:00 UTC.

Once we show the E-T the E-T civilizations we are the owners of Earth,
the E-Ts are ethically bound to help save as many of us as possible,

Above all, we must publicly cooperate to save woman and children first,
because the very close miss we cause by Not Moving will likely cause some
serious casualties in England from wind damage from Asteroid passage.

Saving ourselves is on us, because the E-Ts are not letting a society survive that
is on the verge of FTL travel to E-T worlds who threaten to use Nuclear Weapons.
Would you? NOT LIKELY!

The N1CL enables us to learn who/where/when needs help in one place worldwide.


The NFCL PAYS FOR NEWS with 50% of Stipulated Gross Revenues(SGR)
25%To Reporters, 25% Split By Questioners & Challengers, Correctors & Verifiers

Be Paid To Do The Tests That Prove Asteroid Date & Theory.

Normally when an A-M debt hits its Sun, a spear of Gamma Rays lances out
to vaporize the living planet that created the A-M debt e.g. Earth. We see
Long Term Gamma Blasters(LTGB) about once a week from all over the sky.

Since Earth's A-M debt will fry us July 16, 2024, the E-Ts can justify releasing
our A-M debt six months early to hit Alpha-Centaurus using a large Asteroid.

In August 1993,after reading about them in the NYT science section I contacted the scientists
cited in the article and showed them Why Our A-M debt Was Coming.
After those conversations, our "insider leaders"800 G-13 & above eye witnesses
swore under oath to Congress on the pubic record
. Next, our leaders stopped
using the words "Long Term Gamma Blasters" in public. Perhaps to save just themselves?

Could our "insider leaders" think they need a nuclear war to kill most of us,
causing a disconnection of our A-M debt. That is why "they" created Covid in 2014
at the Fort Detrick Bio-lab. "They" knew that by forcing a deadly vaccine on us
while instigating a war in Ukraine would divide nations, priming a Nuclear War.

Our "insider leaders" are correct, a Nuclear War would kill most of us, just not fast
enough to disconnect our A-M debt. "They" don't realize that a Nuclear War on Earth
would ensure the E-Ts will not help us after the Asteroid whacks us. The E-Ts know our
"demonic leaders" would attack the E-T planets like the Borg should "they" develop FTL travel.

Fortunately Our Psychopathic USA Leaders Instigated This Ukraine Crisis.
Putin's speech on why Russia invaded Ukraine.

This Front Page(FP) resulted from proving in 1985 that
NOT Enforcing Strict Liability On Leaders/Citizens For Lying, Cheating, Stealing,
& Murdering ALWAYS Reduces the Quantity of Goods & Services Exchanged.

A Non Warring Planet Isn't Possible Until Its Citizens Realize They Must
"Never Ascribe To Incompetence What a Conspiracy Will Explain."; thus
Preventing "Future Leaders" From Committing The Above Crimes Ever Again.

Below Is The 20 Year Result Of Writing This Initial N1CL News Article.

In February, 1991 I deduced that we souls create an A-M debt to grow advanced planetary life.
This A-M debt is kept on the other side of our M's surface until it drops onto Earth's orbit
coming towards us at .5 c, hits the Sun and a huge Gamma Ray lances out and vaporizes Earth.

The Feb. 1, 1992 Science News cover of the Barbary Castle crop circle was placed down
at 1:35 AM GMT on July 17, 1991. It pictured my Feb. 1991 theoretical prediction made
before the BC circle debt hit the ground, picturing Earth being vaporized by our A-M debt.

Below are more E-T warnings confirming our A-M debt arriving July 16, 2024.
This frees the E-Ts to use an Asteroid impact on GMT 2023-10-04 to send our
A-M conservation debt to hit Alpha Centaurus expanding our Moebius universe.

To organize saving as many of us as possible, we must Elect An Emergency President
to use UN to get nations to cooperate.

Why Asteroid Hitting Earth 2024-01-16 Sends Our A-M Debt To Hit Alpha Centaurus, not our Sun?

Oct. 2023, our Sun's orbital location is not where it can be hit on 2024-01-16;
disconnecting early sends A-M debt to hit the nearest other large Sun, Alpha Centaurus.

Our Survival Requires We Bring Our Corrupt "Leaders" To Justice
Justice starts with prosecuting them for "their" illegally using the deadly Covid vaccines to justify dictatorial powers.

We can start accountability by using the Genocide Convention to
prosecute Washington State Governor, Attorney General et al(= others involved)

Covid Cures & Links Showing Govt & News Media LIES.

Our News, Scientific, & Political Establishments Are Criminally Corrupt
Knowingly pushing deadly vaccines on our children for personal gain shows
Depraved Indifference.

In 2020 not one healthy child 18 or less died of Covid. "World Health Organization".

e.g. Our "insider leaders" Unlawful Covid Responses Show "they"
Intend To Kill Most Of Us To save just themselves in their bunkers.
The E-Ts First Warning

concluding in the Missing Earth crop circle, June 26, 1995.

In 2000 & on, 800 G-13 & above eye witnesses
swore under oath to Congress on the pubic record
they had been
doing face to face business with E-Ts for many years and still are.

An elected Emergency Leader can ask the E-Ts to honor our saving Earth by
destroying our Nuclear weapons and then starting trade with the E-Ts.

The Vaccines were created to use Anti-Body Dependent Enhancement(ADE)
TO INFECT OTHERS. These vaccines were designed to cause
exponentially accelerated blood clotting each time
you are exposed to Covid, similar viruses,
or especially booster vaccinations.

A Cure For Vaccine Effects Has Been Discovered, and Ivermectin Cures Covid.

Drug companies have not done the legally required publication of long term tests
showing few side effects, instead they have criminally hidden their deadly effects.
As the rapidly increasing VAERS reports show.

The Nuremberg Trials established that any countries leaders
who committed Genocide could be executed. On Dec 10, 1948,
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) was adopted
worldwide by the general assembly of the UN unanimously & finally
made international law with the UNESCO treaty on 19 October 2005.

The USA & China are two of only 5 nations to Not ratify UNESCO treaty. Biden,
Trump, the Drug companies, the FDA & CDC have broken that worldwide Law.

Fortunately, we can use the Genocide Convention Congress ratified and
Ronald Reagan signed in 1988 to bring these evil traitors to Account.

Why Did The E-Ts Use Crop Circles Instead Of
Publicly Telling Us Why & When Our Sun Explodes?

Because the E-Ts know we are divided by many languages and corrupt leaders.

Without a N1CL we can not see the Heisenberg Costs Of Lying;
i.e. what data any reports/measurement must exclude. e.g. Our leaders
NOT telling the public they intend to start a Nuclear War just to save themselves.

Why This "Crucial Measurement" Be Done First? Building Spirit-Scopes will
show our Planetary Spirit Line(PSL) in action; so we can verify not moving and
thinking stops us from sending A-M particles, as not moving implies death.

Verify our predictions Be Paid To Do The Four Tests Proving Date & Theory.

Public answered challenges identify inaccurate and lying News, preventing
"I am angry that I can no longer believe you."

Einstein said it best: "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by
those who watch them without doing anything." about the Genocide of their children.

How The E-Ts Graphically Warned Us Our Sun Will Explode On
July 16, 2024 Unless They Or We Disconnect It Before January 16, 2024.

The E-Ts Used Two Crop Circles, an Asteroid Conjunction, & the
Shoemaker-Levy 9 Comet to Show Us How & When Our Sun Will Explode.

The evidence we are being visited by E-Ts is overwhelming.
The E-Ts know once a planet led by sociopaths with H bombs develops FTL travel,
then such "voracious leaders" would inevitably attack the E-T's home worlds.

We Must Publicly Confirm Past Starlight Is Being Blocked By Our
Planetary Spirit Line(PSL).

TEST: Blocked starlight started on 2018 July 16 at the Big Bang. The blocked
line moves towards the present until all starlight disappears by 2023-October.

On 2024-July-16 our Anti-Matter(A-M) conservation debt will strike the Sun,
vaporizing Earth. unless the E-Ts use it by 9r just after 2024-01-16.

The Barbary Castle circle Depicts How The Sun Explodes spearing Earth. The result is
the Missing Earth circle. Together they show us How & When.

In "Nature May 29, 1997, page 476" the Hubble saw a
Long Term Gamma Blaster's vaporized planet gas remains.

Scientists propose Something Huge and Invisible
is tearing apart the Hyades Star Cluster

It is NOT "Something Huge & Invisible" Making Nearby Stars Vanish.

It Is Earth's Planetary Spirit Line(PSL) that is cutting down the center of our two sided
M surface, cutting off starlight from more & more stars between Earth and the Hyades.
Only in a Moebius Strip Geometry Universe can we see this blocking effect.

Our base physics theories require equal amounts of Matter & Anti-Matter(A-M).
A Moebius hides the A-M on the other side of its two sided, separated surface,
as evidenced by the gravitational effects of "Dark Matter".

But when Earth's PSL cuts down our Moebius centerline, then the cut
creates two separated strips. We can't see light from the half strip we are not on.
This vanishing is caused by Earth's Planetary Spirit Line(PSL).

Earth's PSL is about to finish splitting our Moebius universe into a
double half twist Moebius that will contract into a dead ball; UNLESS
"The E-Ts" can create a doubled in diameter M with only a half twist.
Then our M universe can continue to grow in surface area by this equation;
2Diameter squared times Phi = Maximum Surface Area plus 1/20000 Edge Width.

Conclusion: Earth is the lucky planet chosen to finish our universes REPRODUCTION.
See Why a half twist Moebius Strip has a built in self referential coordinate axis.

Evidence: Two graphic E-T warnings & statements to abductees & the USA government,
plus the massive increase in official E-T spacecraft reports SHOW our E-T visitors
will ensure our universe does double in size. With or without our cooperation.

1st ? Is Alpha Centaurus between us and the vanishing starlight? YES.
It is the plus matter star our A-M debt will hit creating the energy needed to cut the
four double edges of our present M universe so its four edges can reconnect as a half twist M.

2nd ? "Can this reconnecting geometric sequence be demonstrated? YES.

3rd ? "Can we Peacefully ensure Reproduction by Releasing our A-M debt on time?"
YES, by WORKING TOGETHER POLITICALLY, our disconnection is on us.

1. Use a Spirit-Scope to show how our Planetary Spirit Line works,
which verifies publicly that we have an A-M conservation debt.

2. Saving our civilization requires we to cooperate to save our woman and children first.

3. Cooperation requires we organize now using single side band radios.

4. Cooperation is simple: All who believe they are Souls can agree to say three
"Cleanse our souls" prayers of your choice, three times a day for three days.

5. Verifying this prediction means creating Trusted news reports
because the author AGREED TO ANSWER open to all public challenges.

6. The N1CL Petition below demands our President ASK our govt. & citizen astronomers
to verify this Asteroid's orbit and publish their results on the N1CL ASAP.

6. Our disconnection requires an Emergency President, elected by this
countries due process, so the President has the authority to commander resources
with fair compensation and coordinate with the UN on making peace worldwide.

7. Upon being sworn in, the President will declare an insurrection, then immediately Bring To Law Criminals
in high places by applying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) on all of us.

8. How & WHY Emergency President Can Be Elected.

9. Above all, the right to speak, disagree, & criticize in public will be protected.
E.g. An armed citizenry is crucial to restoring the Law & Order that Justice for all demands.[b]

The N1CL Uses WOUs To Pay For Our Costs & Profits.

WOUs Are an Appreciating Incorruptible Money
Backed By 5% of SGR Income From All Sources.

The N1CL Is The ONLY Internet Site Where You Get paid To Disagree
With ANY News Published Worldwide, So We Can VERIFY Its Truthfulness.

Plus paying 50% of Stipulated Gross Revenues(SGR) 25%To Reporters, 25% Split By
Questioners & Challengers, Correctors & Verifiers
we add 1% of SGR to Q&A contests.

Any NFCL Registrant Can Report News, Question, Confirm, Or Challenge Any Report.
Register top left To Question Any N1CL News Reporter, You must Agree
To Respond In Turn Until You Both Agree; or Agree To Disagree On An Answer.
This Creates Real News On Any Subject & Is Protected By The USA 1st Amendment.

By Questioning News From Reporters, Businesses, & Governments
With Questions From Anyone, We Expose Incorrect & Fake NEWS.
Your words belong to you. We don't censor or edit, we record.

We zealously protect Whistleblowers location & identity when necessary.

When you libel, slander, or violate copyrights on the N1CL, it is a legal record. Speak accordingly.

"Silence Gives Consent" proves Our Leaders Know

Register top left to sign this Public Petition For Fast Verification and to
Read, Report, Question, Verify, or Challenge Reports.

We Demand Our Professional & "Amateur Astronomers
Publicly Verify or Disprove This Asteroid Prediction NOW!

Register To Help.[/b][/size]

Question & Answer Procedures(Q&As).
After Registering Ask "a Question" in topic header or respond to it, then the
Q&A Dialogues give each party 36 hours to respond, or less by mutual agreement.

Relevant News Forums, Articles, & Topics

Stop A-M Debt Hitting Sun
, Doing Science, Political Economics, Dan Alter's Forum

Why is the far past starlight now being blocked?

We are spirits who block anything that goes faster than light(FTL) before our present time;
between the two inner sides of the surface of our "Moebius strip geometry universe".
At six years to go our Planetary Spirit Line(PSL) starts blocking all past starlight.

This prediction was deduced from this premise.
When we live in a Moebius Strip geometry universe, then our universe maintains conservation
by using Gravity(G), instant Gravity(iG) & instant Repulsive Force(iRF). We can measure these forces
with Planck's Constant(h), the smallest unit of time/distance using the fixed speed of light(c)
"How iG and the iRF work to conserve a Moebius geometry universe."

In a conserved universe, the cost of we spirits moving our life forms
to stay alive is the creation of an Anti-Matter(A-M) conservation debt.

Conserved Means You Can't Dodge Repayment Forever.

How Did I Discover We Had An A-M Debt?
I knew in a Conserved universe any movement has an equal and opposite reaction.

In Feb. 1991 I did a thought experiment concluding that when advanced spirits cause their body
to move by splitting a hydrogen atom into two parts. A plus half is used to trigger a neuron
& an A-M half, which our spirits send to other side of our M Universe surface.

Your spirit replaces the hole left in your brain with a Plus Particle From The Center Of Sun.
This leaves what looks like a small Black Hole at the center of the Sun(ask a solar physicist).

Our A-M debt returns when it overlaps Earth's orbit on A-M side of M falling thru onto Earth's orbit;
going for Earth at half the speed of light to return its sent A-M back to its
original holes located on Earth. BANG our Plus matter Sun is in the way.

When A-M meets plus matter there is a 100% instant conversion of all matter/A-M mass
to pure energy, sending an incandescent spear of Gamma Rays to vaporize Earth.

On 1992-Feb-10, I saw a picture of the Barbary Castle and realized that it depicted my
prediction. By 1992-Feb-15 I deduced it could be prevented, which later evidence confirmed.

To synchronize our disconnection worldwide we need to develop three inventions.

1. A "Spirit Scope". to see our spirit lines called "silver cords" by sensitives.

2. The N1CL, US Patent #8566730 so we can create & share the accurate public information needed.

3. A "Relative to the Speed of Light | velocity-vector meter" US patent #10024694B1,
which enables Instant Quantum Entangled Communication anywhere by
synchronizing differences in relativistic clock speeds.

"Rel-c|vel-vec meters" enable us to build a quantum cell phone network,
independent of satellites, cell towers, and other phone infrastructure,
which Earth changes could destroy, while quantum phones would still work.

Long Term Gamma Blasters(LTGB) explosions are unique. I first read
about LTBGs in the August 17, 1993 Science section, New York Times
that reported huge Anti-Matter explosions. I called the five astrophysicists
cited to explain what LTGBs cause: A vaporized living planet.

When a ball of A-M hits a Sun at half light speed, the impact instantly converts
100% of the leading edge of the A-M debt into Gamma Rays. This Ray zaps out,
vaporizing the living planet until all the A-M mass is consumed in the Sun.

Hubble saw the "Afterglow" of a vaporized planet In 1997 three hours after this LTGB occurred.
It was was reported in 'Nature' May 29, 1997 page 476, "Optical Counterpart
To The Gamma Ray burst GR970228 Observed Using The Hubble Telescope".
The incandescent debris cloud from the vaporized planet fades away after six weeks.

Immediately after I told the five astrophysicists listed what LTGBs were, the term
LTGB was changed to Gamma Blasters and NASA denied "Afterglows" existed.
Next NASA blocked public access to its website reporting LTGBs.

These lies prove that our Governments control their "He who pays the piper
calls the tune" PHDs to lie and cover-up LTGBs by controlling their grants and tenure.

The 2nd Tell Them Explains Why
the wrong Answer to "How Does The Universe Enforce Liability?" explains
the conclusions above; With More Science & Political Necessities

"I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act;
but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act" Buddha.

The warning email was sent sent on Sept. 30, 2023.
Please Verify That Past Starlight Is Being Blocked & That An Asteroid Arrives
On 2023 Oct 14 Unless Prevented by 2023 Sept 14, 19:47 UTC.

Together both confirm our Mobius universe only exists simultaneously within 2h.

To: All Astronomers, Physicists, Emeritus Mathematicians, & Economists at UW, Seattle WA.

The blocking effect is caused by Earth's Planetary Spirit Line(PSL)
which blocks past starlight starting at the Big Bang on July 16, 2018.

By 2020, July 16 we will only see the nearest 14% of past starlight, then the
61.8% past starlight blocking cycle slowly starts and finishes fast each year
on July 16th, until on July 16. 2024 we only see the solar system.

The N1CL will reward amateur astronomers who use 12" refractor/reflector telescope,
high up, a good camera by Be Paid To Do The Four Tests Proving This Prediction.

plus rewarding Verification of the Time Of The Conjunction In the
Missing Earth Crop Circle Using The Two Asteroid Conjunction Locator.

Plus There Is another Easy Way To Verify When Earth Dies.
These two articles identify the professional astronomers
who can measure light to within 10% of Big Bang.

You each were notified because you have a direct or implied
fiduciary responsibility to enhance and protect life on Earth.

I will only respond to relevant eyewitness verifications or disproofs posted on the N1CL.
Requests for public interviews will go through the N1CL private message system.


Dan Alter

Missing Earth(ME) crop circle, was put down the night of June 25, 1995.
Someone showed us our home planet is 'Missing'; probably joking, right?

It is big, very complex, and precise. The tram lines are 60 feet apart and it has a
asteroid conjunction that shows exactly when Earth is struck July 16, 2024 at 16:30 GMT.

The time/date shown by the remaining three planets is July 17, 2003, exactly 12 sidereal years after
the Barbary Castle hit the ground. Why this determines this due date is explained below.

Will our astronomers, scientists, news, and political leaders confirm or falsify this prediction ASAP?

1. Our astronomers can publicly confirm/disprove two things,
a. that past starlight is disappearing at my predicted rate,

2. plus the exact second Earth will be hit by the Gamma Ray
beam shown on the cover of the February 1, 1992 Science News by
using this Conjunction Calculator to determine the time of
the two asteroid conjunction shown in the Missing Earth crop circle.

Our politicians are corrupt. The reason is simple,
They were allowed to issue unlimited debt without real collateral.
Who elected them? = look in mirror.
Tolerating stolen elections isn't free.

This allows Deep Insiders to steal without awakening Not self aware citizens
to their future pain. No pain, no incentive to clean house. Inevitably,
not enforcing the universal moral standard: No First Cost,
the premise of the Golden Rule, means a catastrophic financial collapse.
that means NO MONEY, until We use Honesty to cure dishonesty.

Why did Margaret Milanowski and I invent the N1CL?

It Was An All Too Common Scientific Error Called The Fallacy of Non Attribution.
Ronald Coase in The Problem Of Social Cost Journal of Law & Economics, October 1960,
used imaginary money prices, instead of a real good common to all
the possible Actual Goods Exchanged between people in an economy.

By Using Fictional Measures, Coase reached an Untrue Conclusions. " It does not
cost a reduction in the Quantity of Goods & Services XCed when Extortion is allowed.

Science demands you use a real "Objective" measure common
to all parts of any "yes/or not" hypothesis to test it.
This non-attribution fallacy permeates our science and news media now.

This self-serving practice of not using real objective measures
allows our leaders to lie & suppress dissent. Why is simple.

Our political masters use Govt. power to tax us and control us for their profit.
That is good pay for lying and suppressing dissent by using dishonest elections.
Not skeptical voters reap what they sow, broke & killed by vaccines.

What Objective Measure Do ALL Life Forms Use Unconsciously To Stay Alive?

We spirits maximize the Q of G&S XCed & thus time alive, by Minimizing the
Time We Spend getting what We think we need or want the fundamental scientific discovery.

One unit of time alive per unit time as measured by c, the speed of light.

You each try to spend as little of your fixed amount of time alive as possible,
to get what you think you need or want to stay alive and enjoy life.

Unconsciously minimizing how you spend your time means you may not be good at it.

Lying, Stealing, cheating and murdering costs everyone free time to use as you
please, and makes us all miserable or dead life forms. Wake Up!

Four jobs anyone can do, just register; then report your results.
Be Paid To Do The Four Tests Proving This Prediction

Equation predicts where all points are on surface of a Moebius from where you sit.

Euler's number describes the rate past starlight
disappears until each orbital cycle starts over,
while Noether's equation
predicts the fixed number of orbits
until the A-M debt orbital radius equals the living planets radius.

What The E-T Message Sequence Says
1. Starting Exactly 27 Earth sidereal years after
the Barbary Castle hit the ground about
1:35 AM GMT July 17, 1991 on July 16, 2018,

Light will start fading at an exponentially increasing
rate starting with light from nearest the Big Bang,
until .618% of the ancient light disappears by July 16, 2019.

When you use h = (Planck's constant) as your time unit,
Euler's Number summing sequence converges exactly on .618(phi) using 2h units.

2. When (no more previous orbit is left), then this annual orbital time unit ends,
a new cycle begins, which in turn, ends at the 'zero' beginning of each sidereal year.

2h is the "conserved time constant measure" that predicts the number off cycles(orbits) needed
to maintain a conserved equilibrium while all pluses and minuses balance to zero.
Until in our case, the bill comes due as this Measure Time Constant limits all possible
light measured interactions between energy and matter in our Moebius geometry universe.

A Riddle:
Every Point On Both Sides Of Our M Surface Moves At Its Unique Percentage Of Light's Speed;
but the frequency you set to go FTL is always the same? A clue: A measure has two ends.

The Tool Needed To Disconnect A-M debt And Solve The Riddle Is
the patented July 17, 2018 US10024694B1 "relative to 'c' velocity-vector meter".

A "Relative to 'c'|v-v meter" is needed for three purposes.

Because objects moving at different percentages of 'c' have differing relativistic
clock speeds, then these different c clock speeds block entanglement.

1. "Relative to 'c'|v-v meter" enables synchronizing relativistic clock speeds.

2. Which enables Entangled communication between any two or more other objects
carrying a "rel to 'c'|vel-vector meter" at any distance by synchronizing relativistic clock speeds.

3.Faster Than Light communication becomes possible because you can measure your ship's
outside shell relativistic clock speed at your location on the surface of space/time; then
adjust your shell frequency to the unique light frequency for quantum entangled communication.

Two Extra instant Basic Forces Required To Explain
Dark Matter & Our Expanding Moebius Universe.

1st, the instant perpendicular Repulsive Force(iRF) goes between the two inner faces of the M surface.

How RF & iG work to conserve Moebius universe
These RFs keep the two sides of a Moebius surface from touching and causes an expanding universe.
As matter on both sides sends out iRF, it is greater than the second force, Instant Gravity(IG).

But a A-M debt's iRF force Decreases to Zero between opposite sides, when the A-M debt becomes perpendicular
to its' planets orbit. Instantly. the A-M mass drops onto the planet's orbit going
at .5c towards the planet, hitting its Sun and BOOM, we see a Long Term Gamma Blaster.

Only moving faster than Zero with respect to c keeps masses on the opposite sides of the M surface.

Conclusion: Between the interaction of the two opposing iRFs and iG,
"How iG and the iRF work to conserve a Moebius geometry universe."

Why does light from the stars get increasingly rolled up behind
a shroud starting with six sidereal Earth years to go?

The basic physics of doing FTL says you can't cross a Planetary Spirit Line(PSL) between us and
our A-M debt at FTL; because the PSL blocks anything from going FTL behind us in time between
the two sides of a Moebius. With six years to go Earth's PSL starts to completely encircle us.
By the end of the last year no one can leave Earth going FTL.


The Central Point of Scientific Analysis Is Yourself

Measuring the Objective Boundaries of Our Universe With Light

Why is Economics the Mother Logic of Science?

Be Paid To Do The Four Tests Proving This Prediction

Equation predicts where all points are on surface Moebius Essential for prevention and doing FTL.

Using Noether's equation with The Time Conservation Constant which sums the number of cycles needed
to keep any conserved system in balance, while returning to equilibrium is fundamental to
mathematically describing why and when our A-M debt comes due with respect to any origin = Zero.

Euler's Number sums to h almost immediately while Noether's equation gives
the number of planetary orbits needed to return to the beginning of each orbital cycle.

Doing A Successful Disconnection Requires Doing These Tasks.
1. Build a Spirit-Scope. Kirlian photos show what light frequency differences are caused by spirits.
2. Develop "relative to c| velocity-vector meters"---------------,
3. to do interplanetary FTL space travel---------------,
4, and for instant quantum communication----,
5. direct a successful A-M debt disconnection-,
6. Prevention requires we know the exact time shown by the conjunction in the
Missing Earth(ME) put down on June 26, 1995.
It shows [b]the exact time Earth is struck by the ray from the Sun shown in the Barbary Castle.
Get paid to prove when the conjunction in the ME circle occurs.

Why are the E-Ts NOT telling us how to save Earth?
Because the E-Ts can not force us to become a ethical planet, can they?

1. David Jacobs in his book "Secret Lives" on E-T abductees reported this exchange
between a lady abductee and her E-T abductor. "You have no right to do this to me."
the E-T answered, "Yes we do.". A moral question with a moral answer.
Notice the E-T said "we", implying a societal decision.

2.The E-Ts have graphically showed us our deadly fate. Our leaders know we
have a conservation debt as the
Eye Witness Evidence
from over 800 plus high government and military witnesses who have publicly
sworn on the congressional record that we did and do face to face business with
E-Ts and the presidents from at least Eisenhower on know about these contacts.

3. Clearly many of our present leaders are not working for We, the People now.
Why we can stop Sun from exploding, theory and evidence.

Our Biggest Problem Is
getting 90% of humans still alive to not move, then we may only
need a small % of other advanced life forms on Earth to not move.

There Are Three Ways To Stop Sending A-M Particles To Our A-M Debt.

1. A killer vaccine triggers illegal(Genocide Act & UNESCO)
quarantines & dissension leading to a nuclear holocaust.
2. We all agree to NOT MOVE for a couple of hours at the same time.
3 A 7+ mile diameter iron Asteroid coming around the Sun
arriving with 9 months to go. Not preferred.

The First Way Is In Play. The Second Choice Is Preferable.

Radiation is our leaders "deliberate way" to reduce large life forms in our 0ceans.
Lucky us! Fukushima is taking care of that, as we are ignoring the real costs
of obvious environmental disasters
like Fukushima.

Why did EPA secretly try to increase allowed radiation in water by thousands of times?

Because Why Fukushima is still pouring radiation into our oceans.

How Can We Know The Location Of Other Life Bearing Planets?

Suns with life bearing planets burn anomalously; like they
have a small Black Hole at their center, just as our Sun has.

Why the Black Hole? Our spirits replace the A-M proton we send sent to our A-M debt
with a "plus proton" from our Sun = looks like a small black hole at Sun's center.

What Base Entangled Frequency would E-Ts Use to publicly Communicate?
The E-Ts use a deducible common frequency tapped into with "Relative to c
|Velocity/Vector meters" to communicate with other star systems and spaceships.

These meters make possible
1. Instant Faster Than Light(FTL) communication between spaceships & star systems,
or anywhere on Earth in case of CMEs, EMPs, or the loss of satellites from our orbital debris;
2. determining where we are located on the surface of our Moebius universe;------------
3. knowing where makes possible Faster Than Light travel;--------------------------------------

Is There a Way the E-Ts Might Help Us?

4. N1CL Hows, Investing, Patent royalties,
how Stipulated Gross Revenues paid.

How Posting, Challenging, & Verifying N1CL News Reports Works.

Anyone Can Post A News Report! Whistle blower's IDs are zealously protected.
Anyone Can Challenge A News Report using your anonymous registration handle.
Full members actual name must be used, e.g. those who claim to do science for all.

We DO NOT CENSOR your speech, we keep the record, your words are yours alone.

The Only Speech That Gets You Banned
are confirmed complaints by Other N1CL Users that you threatened
physical or financial criminal violence against anyone using the NFCL;
then you must apologize and agree to not do so again.

A second complaint gets you banned for a year. The third permanently.
We keep a list of confirmed complaints to run your posts against before posting.

No pictures of anyone for an avatar. Your swear words belong to you.

How Fund Building & Growing List?

1. Use We Owe Yous(WOU) To Raise the capital needed to grow N1CL fast.
We repay our loans with 5% of Stipulated Gross Revenues in perpetuity.

How N1CL We Owe You(WOUs) work.

There are only 100 million WOUs in our treasury and there number will not increase,
But You Can Divide Them.
This means cut one WOU in half, then each half share of the 5% of SGR is cut to 2.5% SGR and so on.

Our devout PLAN is to keep the issued number to under 20% of the total WOUs.
Remember, ONLY actually issued to the public WOUs share in the 5% SGR.

Final Conclusions
"No fate but what we make."
Our success rests on your realization that we require
a N1CL to create Honest truthful NEWS for all.

A N1CL faces you with a Public Moral Decision: Will you try to save over half of us
now alive by co-operating in 2022 to organize our disconnection by Sept. 1 2023?

The E-Ts are using a 7+ mile diameter Asteroid going 100 kms around the Sun to hit Earth
on 0ct. 14, 2023, disconnecting our A-M debt to keep our universe a half twist Moebius.

Organizing "Not Moving" requires You, the Public create and verify our news.
Not the biased, self-serving, non-reporters working for the corporate
newspapers and TV networks who won't answer challenges.

To work with me on our disconnection, you will use the N1CL.
Register &
use the private message system to contact me for interviews, etc.

Some Must Dos
1.Develop a Spirit-Scope, by realizing that Kirlian photography and people who
see our Silver Cords are seeing Real differences in contrasting frequencies(colors).

2.Force NASA to show us where they are keeping the Long Term Gamma Blaster event record
listing those with observed Afterglows, the gas cloud from a vaporized living plane,
and a complete record of their face to face meetings with the E-Ts

3.There is a simple way All who believe they are Souls can cleanse our
home of the "evil" spirits
who are tearing us apart for just themselves.

Believers can agree to say three "Cleanse us of evil spirits" prayers of your
choice, three times a day, for three days. We can set when here ASAP.

4. As our oceans are dying, how do we save our sea animals genes?

5. Explaining how and why our universe exists simultaneously within 2h means showing:
Why 0/0 predicts how the base forces of our universe interact to create a GUT
theory that shows how lifeforms use Own Time Cost Minimization to stay alive.
Verified Premise For a Moebius GUT Is Quarks Are Indivisible

Zero the number is the key to knowing our location with respect
to the rest of our marvelous universe which enables FTL travel.

Where & How we can go Faster than Light

Using zero(s) to count numbers more accurately.

INVITEE CONDITIONS & How Paid & Build Needed Tools like the
The "rel to c | vel-vec meter" invention solves the problem our physicists found
after they lost instant entangled communication between separated entangled
clocks between Earth and in orbit.

They lost entanglement because Relativity predicts that separated entangled
clocks moving at different clock speeds can not be entangled. This effect is
caused by differences in velocity between an Earth clock and a clock in orbit.
Our relative to c/velocity vector meter invention fixes that problem,
and also implies How the E-Ts Do, and we could travel at FTL if we save Earth.

A good way to show we are not "evil savages" is with a sense of humor.
End Of The World Jokes

K-Dog summed this up for me:
"Nothing is going to get solved with everyone going off in different directions.
Unity and solidarity is needed or the future is barren and bleak.* K-Dog,
1st comment on Kuntsler's "Things To Come" 07-29-2019

We need an honest, smart, fearless Emergency President who knows
how to organize "What Must Be Done" for Earth to have a real shot at surviving.

2. A leader who will see to it our rights are protected and corrupt leaders are brought to law.
Ensuring Liberty For All Is Required

3. The emergency President can't be a present head of state. An obvious conflict of interest.
A head of a state's first duty is to keep the peace by enforcing No 1st Costs between their
citizens and towards other nations, especially during an emergency. We live by enforcing
Strict Liability, and honoring our planet-wide agreement to defend other nations from attacks.

4. The emergency President must have the last word and the power to commander any
required resources including people who will be given fair compensation.

5. The President has full power of pardon and commutation for anyone which in a declared emergency
includes the means to arrest, charge, and upon conviction by speedy due process
in military court, or by a jury of non Wash DC or State Capitol citizens, carry
out the courts sentences upon anyone who criminally tries to block our disconnection.

6. I propose myself to be Elected Emergency President by being elected as the house speaker.

7. The emergency President's powers must end on 2025-01-20;
as such powers must always be limited in time. Upon a successful Asteroid deflection;
I will serve only until Jan 20, 2025. I will not suggest, nor endorse any 2024 candidate.
After 2024, I want to go to visit & negotiate with the E-Ts on trading with them.

8. Since no one is indispensable, and Death smiles upon us all, often without warning,
I will have a Vice President and cabinet who should something happen to me;
they will finish doing What Must Be Done with the same Contractual Stipulation,
Their Emergency Powers are terminated on 2025-01-20.

We must start with a clean slate,
We don't have time to punish everyone's past crimes.

1. I propose a general amnesty: Except for murderers, child molesters, slavers.
leaders who profited from these deadly vaccines, and the worst humans of all,
war fomenters, and killing children with vaccines must be brought to Law.
How do we bring our felonious leaders to Law?

We don't have time nor space in our jails for all of our criminal leaders.
We cut any Depraved Indifference criminal underlings necessary deals for
their testimony against the top criminal leaders. These bureaucrats knew
how the mechanics of government worked to force these killer vaccines on us.

2. A general debt amnesty is required. Those who can will renew their debts,
so the economy will restart unencumbered by our past mistakes.(fiat money).

3. We require a meeting of the UN General Assembly to reach agreement on
giving the emergency USA President the Emergency Captain duties for Earth,
so he has the cooperation & powers needed to direct Earth's disconnection.

4. We disconnect, or show love to others with our remaining time.

As emergency President I pray that you each understand why
your conscious honest help is necessary for We, the People to survive and thrive;
then you will calmly and bravely handle any violent local events we could face.

The Emergency President's first job is keep the peace. This President must
only authorize force to defend our country and help protect other UN countries from attacks.
So the choice is yours, Peacefully and Honorably cooperate or we all die.

METHODS & MATERIALS Begins With Thanks and Acknowledgements
1. To our many "scientific scribes", for showing you are well bought & paid for.

I invented the N1CL after my mentors told me I was right about Coase privately,
then helped block publication in the Journal of Law & Economics with an anonymous referee.

2. To those of you who listened starting with bartenders, you let me learn how
explain my discoveries to "a person with an ordinary high school education" Ernst Rutherford.

3. Above all, Margaret Milanowski, my life enhancing, beautiful inside and out wife.

I started on Dec. 15, 1975 when I read Ronald Coase's Brilliant Question in
"The Problem of Social Cost" Journal of Law and Economics October 1960.
"Can No Liability for damaging others Not reduce the Quantity of G&S XCed?"

I knew instantly Coase's conclusion:
"paying extortion Did NOT reduce the Q of G&S XCed" was wrong.
It took Nine years to discover & prove why extortion always reduced the Q of G&S XCed.

This FP is the result of thousands of corrections that showed me how to
show & tell you How Our M Universe Works Using Planck's Constant(h).

Now we have a new edge of the unknown boundary between
what we can measure & predict, and can not yet see.

Below is the heart of the List, the N1CL Question & Answer Procedures.

N1CL Question & Answer(Q&A) Dialogue Procedures

Anyone can Warn and Report!
"Anyone can Verify, Correct, or Challenge Public Warnings & Reports";
the N1CL calls doing this a "Yes/No"!

How Do Entries to N1CL Public Record Work:
You have 10 minutes after submission to edit, change, or delete your entry on your N1CL Public Forum or Q&A;
then the entry is locked. You can always add to or correct below your Warning/Report(W/R), or your answer
in a Q&A dialogue to clarify until the other party answers. You can use the open to all comment forums
to improve your "W/R" before official posting with or without answering questions on "its" comments.

To Ask a Question:
the Questioner and 'the Member or "Yes/No" person agrees to respond in turn,
until the Questioner accepts the answer, or they agree to Disagree giving reason(s);
using the "Last Response" mechanism described below.

To Forward The Q&A Dialogue; either can check the "I beg to differ with you with reason(s)" box.

There are Four Ways to End a Q&A Dialogue:

1) The Questioner can check "I accept." and say something;

2) the Questioner can Accept by Default by not replying within 36 hour;

3) EITHER on their turn, can check 'this is my last response'; to which the OTHER can Accept by checking "I accept"; Or by Not Replying within 36 hours;

4) After stating reason(s) checks "I Disagree with the Last Response".

Changing an 'acceptance by not replying in time' to an 'I disagree' must be done during next logon.

Non-Members can not be questioned on the N1CL record about their Q&A dialogues with a Member or Yes/No person; but anyone can question their "Yes/No's".

The N1CL Interface's Best Feature

The Automatic Consequence giving users the Public workload each can handle: Unless your Dialogues are current; the N1CL Interface automatically blocks you from asking or being asked a new question.

Except for "not replying" to a 'this is my last response'; Staying Current is a reply within 36 hours after your notice e-mail is sent. The block is automatically removed when you become current. Except for larger organizations, you can block new questions at any time by stating a reason; e.g. vacation, sick.

Show Your Honesty To All By Becoming A Full Member

Question a Member-'No/Yes' person |
Apply for Beta-membership


Honest Businesses and People Are Not Afraid
To Answer Public Questions From Anyone,
Especially About Their Public Warnings.

FIRST WARNING & COMPLAINT stays Until Public Response On N1CL Public Record by USA President.

Scientist COMPLAINS Our Political Leaders & Scientists are IGNORING WARNING of Preventable Sun EXPLOSION on JULY 16, 2024

SECOND QUESTION "Why won't any of our elected leaders ask about a scientifically verifiable warning about a certain cataclysmic danger to all?".

Why is simple. They are all charter members of our Three Monkey Society(3MS) Leadership. They never ask, "How do my actions or inactions cost others(you)?.

I can scientifically prove why NOT enforcing our laws on leaders; always massively reduces our wealth and collective time alive. Our leaders will kill us all unless we make them act.

How we can measure a 3MS effects on the common good.

What Must Be Done

The only way we will survive this is with citizens and leaders who will swear to speak the truth in public.

A big personal benefit. Anyone can prove they "Stand Behind Their Word", especially people in government and business.

How to create Trusted News about Yourself or Anything else. Any person, business, or organization can join the No 1st Cost List after they accept these three agreements:

(1) You swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when using the N1CL Public Record;

(2) you agree to answer questions from anyone about anything you put on the N1CL public record, as long as you and the questioner;

(3) agree to the Question and Answer(Q&A) procedures and 'Best Feature' inside.

Anyone Can Ask a Question for free. No one can question a 'non-member questioner' about their Q&A dialogues.
How you can post a Yes/No for free. Anyone can post a 'Yes/No' (Recommend/Not Recommend, Warn, Dispute Public Facts), about the public actions of any person or organization; as long as they agree to answer questions from anyone, only about their Yes/No; subject to agreement (3).

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Proof E-Ts do secret business with USA govt.
Sirius Disclosure Project Eyewitness evidence USA Govt. does face to face E-T contacts. e.g. Over 800 USA govt witnesses who swore publicly before Congress they dealt face to face with E-Ts.

This climate url shows why much of our scientific establishment is corrupt.

Why rising CO2 levels Can NOT cause global warming.

Cimate Fraud Whistleblower Rewards Program

These links deal directly with How to Prevent our Sun from exploding.

How do we prevent our Sun from exploding July 16, 2024

How to find the two conjunction asteroids shown in the "Missing Earth" crop circle.

This math is required.
How to use a circle to relate 'e' to Phi.

Confirming objective reports.
National UFO Reporting Center

Crop Circle Connector

2-4-2017 Needed A-M debt Disconnection Tools, Measurements & Must Do's

HOW can we get these tests DONE?

Contact Congress

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"Missing Earth" & Barbary Castle showing Earth vaporized: [x]

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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
04-Dec-2020 09:23:00
Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
13-Nov-2020 07:25:28
Dan: "We can ignore reality, but we can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." MilwaukeeMark ZeroHedge
10-Nov-2020 09:30:35
Dan: 'Do you realize that a "No sex until you pass 4 semesters of Calculus Rule" would ensure civilization on this planet for the next million years, and colonization of nearby planets!" by Pete4Hegemon WND James Dobson Sex Ed article pushing teaching sexual abstinence in schools 2020-09-19. Brilliant, true, and very funny.
20-Sep-2020 05:18:43
Dan: 'Its(journalisms) core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals." Glenn Greenwald via The Inercept
06-Sep-2020 00:22:48
Dan: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must pay for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
22-Aug-2020 08:34:44
Dan: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -John Bernard Books- The Shootist
15-Aug-2020 21:07:45
Dan: A political observation: All voters lives matter regardless of their skin color.
07-Aug-2020 17:03:38
Dan: "If you can't question it. It is not science." comment by New Darwin The Sordid History Of Science, Zero Hedge July 19, 2020
20-Jul-2020 01:26:41
Dan: "the key component to civilization is civility and I don’t see much of that anymore." George Critch July 17 2020 Caitlan Johnstone .com comment.
18-Jul-2020 07:17:00
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