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2020-10-07 Eq for # A-M debt orbits on surface of a M
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
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PostPost subject: 2020-10-07 Eq for # A-M debt orbits on surface of a M
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:04 am

2020-10-31 edit 1st posted20-28-19.

Equation predicts where all points are on surface of Moebius and Number

Dan Alter

2020=09-06 Noether's equations said that physical laws were conserved regardless
of where the origin is located in the coordinate system. In short, She was describing
counting = measuring any real set of units with respect to Zeros.
This means using zero's plus/minus ends to measure the universe. URL to zero article.

12-28-19 Noether,s summation is right but our A-M debt stays on surface opposite
Earth starting at a distance where .5 c allows it to make one orbit staying opposite Earth.
That orbital radius is a function of the initial orbital radius of a living planet, hence the larger
the radius, the more time you have = The longer the LTGBs last the more you see.

Deducing this equation began from my trying to figure out the exact number of orbits a living
planet has from the time it starts its Anti-Matter(A-M) conservation debt. In doing this deduction
from comparing ratio of initial orbital radius of the planet to distance of first orbit,
A-M debt = 2pi times half the speed of light radius I was led to the equation that describes how
we can deduce our exact location on surface of space/time with respect to any other point. Ergo,
the essential requirement needed to travel FTL.

July 10, 2018: "A discovery that confirms our fate. It is a constant number that gives the number
orbits a living planet has from the instant it starts its A-M conservation debt:

Number of orbits = the sum number of time cycles it takes to maintain any conserved symmetry
using Emily Noether's two summation equations for 2-D & 3-D geometric universes as measured
with Plank's constant = h, when combined with any time cycle as measured by the cycles radius."

Specifically, this says Noether's constant number equals the summation of orbits needed to reach
Phi/phi = 1 orbits(time cycles) using Eulers number.

These Decreasing Summations of plus/minus conservation equations. i.e both summations predict
the same fixed number of cycles needed to reach equality by decreasing the distance difference
any beginning set or subset of plus and minus particles starting with the maximum possible
physical distance apart (orbital radius times half speed of light) as long as Earth and our A-M debt
are kept by the base Instant Gravity and Repulsive Force in a straight line opposite each other as
A-M debt approaches equality with orbital radius of the living planet in question = Earth.

Equality is reached when the number of orbits Noether's summation equals the summation given using
Euler's Number where both summations end at phi/phi(.382-.382) = 0(or Phi/phi =1 2020-10-07?)
Note 0 is the real distance of 2 h.

This decreasing summation ends because h is the limit we can see/measure with light and the closest
we can get to actual Phi/phi is 2h/h.

Why FTL Navigation?

Given we know Earth's orbital radius in h units and the summation number is a constant, then we
have measured the actual basic curve of our universe with respect to an infinite Euclidean 3 pace.

When an A-M debt comes through it cots out a perfect circle like a disk with upper and lower
edges, each edge on one side of surface and this disk is ejected into the outer darkness as a new
Moebius universe. This creates a nice hole in space time expanding our universe and creating
more empty space.

In short, a replication event. Ain't God wonderful.

However, for myself prevention means we get to see how wondrous our Moebius universe is with
its myriad forms of life and mysteries yet to discover.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sat Oct 31, 2020 6:17 pm; edited 9 times in total

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