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12-29-19 An observation: We don't judge ourselves = we die.

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PostPost subject: 12-29-19 An observation: We don't judge ourselves = we die.
Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:56 pm

12-29-19, 4-12-2019

An "objective" observation showing why we won't act to save Earth:
We don't, especially our public figures, judge ourselves. Self awareness is in fact, the action of doing just that. It drives evolution. Don't consciously do this self judgement and the Laws of Conservation kill you. It is not, "judge not others, lest you be judged."; it is, "Judge yourself objectively, or die.".

12-29-19 Objectively means a deducible common moral code = No First Cost = save other's time, not cost others timewhen you exchange or interact with them.

Why we don't is simple, we never did know how to judge ourselves objectively, but we did have religious and personal codes of honor. These have been replaced. We went from religious based morality mostly based on the Golden rule, but overlaid with 'tell others what to do' superstitious nonsense. Along came science which killed religion with secularism which has no "objective" moral base. Once science replaced religious morality with the pseudo objectivity of western science, this led directly to no self judgement since western science denies the existence of an Objective Standard of Morality. Ergo, we are the walking dead now.

Since I can demonstrate there is an objective public and private moral standard which logically generates the Golden Rule, it is too bad that none so far have wanted to discuss this discovery in public.

Take a read if you please.
The objective measure of the General Welfare

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:24 pm; edited 3 times in total

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