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Why We Face A Catastrophic Financial Collapse.
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Joined: Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 448
Location: USA
PostPost subject: Why We Face A Catastrophic Financial Collapse.
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:17 am


At first glance, the Fed putting six trillion plus "printed out of thin air dollars" into the economy seems inflationary. They did it to
counter the huge job losses caused by the Pandemic shutdown. But in reality, almost all the money went to buy the existing junk
IOUs of bankrupt corporations, well endowed universities, and other favored insider entities, while only a small fraction went to the little
people who were paid unemployment and helicopter money to NOT produce falsely called non-essential Goods & Services.

Since the Pandemic lockdown was worldwide there was an immediate large decline in the demand for Dollars coupled with a decline
in local tax revenues. Overseas countries hold 25 Trillions of dollar debt. The Pandemic now forces them to sell dollar debt to raise
needed cash. Ergo, the principle value of bonds starts to fall causing interest rates to rise. As people see bond values decrease there
will be a rush for the rapidly closing door = a panic = a catastrophic financial collapse.

Interest rates in the short run will rise until the economic collapse is complete and the USA in particular faces the massive glut in cars,
boats, storage spaces with high rents filled with unneeded goods, etc, etc.

Political implications, I think that den of thieves and liars in DC and many state and local governments needs to be cleaned out.
No whining, a majority of us elected them, so we can unelect them, can't we?

The biggest liars of all are the Fed governors, real money is always backed by real Goods & Services. In honest markets, there must be
a real good backing up the seller in a futures market, and real cash on the buy side. Letting any central bank buy junk or fictitious assets
will always lead to this kind of economic collapse. Skinning suckers always pays well until getting broke wakes them up.

"I swear to speak honestly and seek the truth when I use the No 1st Cost List public record."

Last edited by Dan on Sun Apr 26, 2020 3:45 am; edited 3 times in total

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