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#1: 2020/09/01 "I am upset that I can no longer believe you." Author: DanLocation: USA : Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:40 am
Latest edit 2020/09/01, changed title from "Why don't we take anyone's word for it?" on 10-24-2019
to "I am upset that I can no longer believe you."

Latest 2019/12/159 We all say things that are incorrect, usually inadvertently,
and when we are honest we correct what we say.

But as Nietzsche said, "I am not upset that you lied to me; I am upset that I can no longer believe you."

Right now, all we know about our "establishment" news reporters is that their lips are moving.
Everything they say is biased and colored by their personal self-interests.They literally show
they think those that "disagree with them" are sub humans, not equal fellow citizens.

Not admitting you could be mistaken when someone challenges your words by asking; "How am I wrong?"
is exactly the same as "Bearing False Witness". A lie for personal gain always gained at the expense of others.
Presently this mortal civic sin is fracturing our society. Lies kill.

The N1CL is how we expose the liars. We will soon find out whether or not we have enough honest citizens
to publicly demand our insider controlled astronomer/scientists publicly look to see if the past starlight is
disappearing at my predicted rate. These tax payer paid scientists(?) can prove me right or wrong,

This is one falsifiable prediction I don't mind being wrong about. Wake up and act!. Deeds speak.
Last edited by Dan on Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:21 am; edited 13 times in total

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